


    毕业论文关键词: 家庭理财, ASP,ACCESS


    Title    family financial management system Based on B / S              


      In recent years, more and more families concern the family financial management. A rational family, should not only meet the general meaning of "well fed and clothed". When there are abundant funds on hand, should according to the characteristics of the family of their own, find some of the most suitable for own investment domain and the investment tool, to obtain the highest possible yield. Family financial management need financial status has a system to the family and future assurance and long-term plans, in addition to reasonable distribution family financial disbursement, but also earn to money, at least can offset the effects of inflation.Therefore, a relatively complete set of the family financial management system for the people is necessary.

     This article fully elaborate family financial management system.Sum up, The family financial management system is the use of computer information management, not only improve the work efficiency, and has advantages of simple operation, friendly interface, flexible, practical, can be very good to meet the family engaged in financial management needs.

    Therefore,the development of this system is based on ASP as the development technology, using ACCESS database as the background database to store and extract the system used for the data. Based on the B/S model of family financial management system, functions mainly include user information management, family members, information management, financial category management, payments and financial information query management, bank account information management classes and something others.

    Keywords:Family finance, ASP, ACCESS


    1绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究意义 1

    1.2 课题的应用背景和前景 2

    1.3 课题的研究现状 2

    2需求分析 3

    2.1系统设计目标 3

    2.2系统数据分析 3

    2.3系统问题分析 4

    2.4系统功能需求 4

    2.5系统性能分析 5

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