
    摘 要:信息化已经席卷全球,随着时代科技的发展,信息技术已成为时代的主流。而高校这块的学生教材问题有很大的空间可以优化,因此本课题主要分析了当今高校教材预定的模式以及二手教材流通问题,提出了有利于学生的新型的高校教材预定模式:将教材订购和二手教材结合起来。如此,即可以缩减人力财力成本,提供极大便利,也能达到优化资源的目的。本文在已有模式的研究基础上,探索阐述了高校教材预定系统的开发目的、过程以及主要功能模块实现等的内容。本系统基于主流的B/S系统,采用Dreamweaver和ACCESS数据库为主要开发工具。系统主要分为前台和后台两个模块,前台面向学生,后台由管理员进行操作,最终设计出了一个界面简洁,易于操作的高校教材预订系统。57267


    Design and Development Colleges and Universities Teaching Material Reservation System

    Abstract: With the development of science and technology, the information technology has been sweeping the world, and it has become the mainstream of the times. However,the problems of students' textbooks in universities still have a lot of space can be optimized. So this topic mainly analyzes today’s colleges and universities teaching material ordering pattern and the problem in circulation of second-hand materials, and we has put forward the subscription mode for college students' new teaching materials: Combining teaching material and second-hand materials, in order to reduce the cost of human and financial resources and provide maximum convenience and to achieve the goal of optimizing resources. On the basis of the existing model, this paper explores the development purpose, process and the realization of the main function modules of the university teaching material reservation system. The system is based on the mainstream B/S system and it uses Dreamweaver and ACCESS data source as the main development tools. System is mainly pided into foreground and background, front desk for students, and the background by the administrator. Finally designed a simple interface, easy operation of colleges and universities teaching material reservation system.

    KeyWords: B / S structure; Teaching material reservation system; ASP; Database


    一、绪论 1

    (一)课题研究目的和意义 1

    (二)课题研究的现状分析和发展趋势 1

    1、课题研究的现状 1

    2、课题发展的趋势 2

    二、系统设计与开发的技术介绍 3

    (一)系统设计工具介绍 3

    1、Dreamweaver介绍 3

    2、ACCESS数据库介绍 3

    3、IIS7.0环境和ASP介绍 3

    4、ODBC数据库连接技术介绍 3

    (二)系统设计语言介绍 4

    1、HTML语言介绍 4

    2、ASP语言介绍 4

    三、系统分析 5

    (一)可行性研究 5

    1、技术可行性 5

    2、经济可行性 5

    3、管理可行性 5

    (二)系统调查分析 6


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