    摘要:营养与人们日常生活密切相关,关系到广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,关系到国民经济的健康发展和社会稳定的大局。但是,长期以来营养信息分析没能真正得到解决的问題,食物营养信息的分析不好,不仅是一种资源浪费,而且在一定程度上制约国民身体素质的提高。因此,开发设计人体营养数据分析系统具体十分重要的意义。 27696
     Abstract:Nutrition and people's daily lives are closely related, related to the health and safety of the masses, related to the healthy development of the national economy and social stability of the overall situation. However, analysis of nutritional information for a long time did not really get the problem, analyze nutrition information is not good, is not only a waste of resources, and to some extent, restricted the improvement of national physical fitness. Therefore, the development of data analysis system designed specifically human nutrition is very important.
    This paper follows the system development life cycle approach and structured approach to design and implement a data analysis system for human nutrition. The system is based on C / S mode, using C # language development, database systems, select SQLServer database. The main elements of the system to achieve the nutrition center, data center, user-centered, analytical centers and other functional modules. System is widely used in community service, and improve people's nutrition awareness, knowledge of nutrition universal people, all kinds of people on the diet were evaluated and adjusted to achieve a balanced diet, aim to extend the life of the people's health.
    Keywords : human nutrition; data analysis; C #; C / S architecture
     目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景及意义    1
    1.2 本课题研究现状    2
    1.3 本课题主要工作    3
    2 相关技术简介    4
    2.1 C/S架构介绍    4
    2.2 C#简介    6
    2.3 数据库技术介绍    7
    2.4 Sqlserver 2008数据库介绍    9
    3 系统分析    11
    3.1 系统可行性分析    11
    3.2 系统功能需求概述    12
    3.3 系统设计规则与运行环境    12
    4 系统设计    14
    4.1 系统架构的设计目标    14
    4.2 系统架构设计    14
    4.3 系统架构类图    15
    4.4 系统交互图    16
    4.4.1 系统架构类交互图    16
    4.4.2 系统协作图    18
    4.4.3 系统状态图    19
    4.4.4 系统活动图    19
    4.5 业务逻辑对象类设计    20
    4.6 数据库设计    20
    4.6.1 ER图    21
    4.6.2 物理结构图    22
    4.7 网络架构设计    23
    5 系统实现    25
    5.1 系统主要功能    25
    5.2 各功能模块设计    25
    5.2.1 数据库连接设计实现    25
    5.2.2 营养元素中心模块    26
    5.2.3 数据中心模块实现    27
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