    Research and Implementation of Operating System With Basic Functions Based on IA32
    Abstract:Operating system is the most basic part of computer software, it is the core software of computer. And it is a professional core course in Computer Science. It is highly theoretical and its concepts are too abstract to understand. It involves not only computer software but also some hardware knowledge. Generally speaking, it is a big challenge for beginners. This project introduces a implementation of the basic functions of operating system by standing in the learners’ angle. This project includes implementation processes of the boot sector, interrupt processing, graphical interface, multi task and the command line. During this paper, it also introduces the relevant theoretical knowledge of each part. It aims to provide a bridge from theory to practice for beginners. With this project, people can deeply understand the theory and be more familiar with the operation of operating system.
    Key words: operating system; protected mode; interrupt handling; memory management.
    目 录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    1. 绪论    2
    1.1研究背景和意义    2
    1.2国内外发展趋势    2
    2. 系统分析    3
    2.1系统设计目标    3
    2.2系统功能模块划分    4
    3. 系统实现    5
    3.1 操作系统引导模块    5
    3.1.1软盘与启动区介绍    5
    3.1.2读取软盘    7
    3.1.3 保护模式    7
    3.2 图形化界面    10
    3.2.1处理器支持及画面模式实现    10
    3.2.2色号设定    11
    3.2.3 鼠标绘制    12
    3.2.4 图层管理    12
    3.3 I/O设备和中断管理    14
    3.3.1 I/O中断简述    14
    3.3.2 处理器支持    15
    3.3.3设计与实现    17
    3.4 内存管理    21
    3.4.1内存管理概述    21
    3.4.2处理器支持    22
    3.4.3 设计与实现    22
    3.5 多任务管理    27
    3.5.1多任务概述    27
    3.5.2 处理器支持    28
    3.5.3 设计与实现    29
    4. 命令行窗口    30
    4.1输出字符实现    31
    4.2一些基本命令的实现    33
    4.3 API(application program interface)和应用程序实现    34
    5 系统测试    35
    5.1 内存与图层管理测试    35
    5.2 多任务模块测试    37
    6. 结论    37
    6.1 总结    37
    6.2不足与展望    37
    致谢    38
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