    Gas plume analysis and simulation
    ---Gas change description
    Abstract:     Along with the development of science and technology in our country, national economy rapidly improve. At the same time, for more and more chemical industry related to the transport of dangerous goods, because of the advantages of railway transportation, our country most of the dangerous goods to after the railway transport. Most of the long distance transportation of railway transport of dangerous goods in China and in the transport of goods, flammable gas is a potential source of danger, in the transport process due to various reasons caused leakage will along the railway to personnel and the environment caused great harm so necessary for railway transportation of flammable gas for analysis and risk assessment of the accident in order to establish railway dangerous cargo transportation environment risk management information system, the establishment of emergency plan has very important significance.
    Because of the characteristics inherent in railway transportation, rail and road transport to transport the flammable gas also exist great differences of railway and highway transportation in route selection flexibility is poor, the train usually contain vehicles carrying dangerous goods vehicles, the weight of the train transportation of dangerous goods has great difference, the railway transportation of flammable gas with small probability of the accident, but in the event of an accident due to train for the carriage of dangerous goods transportation volume larger, impact is highway transportation of large multi。
     Glickman, according to before the railway transportation statistics, may appear in the carriage of dangerous goods by three types of accidents are summarized, proposed in the literature, line of improvement and upgrading, reduce the accident probability of occurrence, the literature, the accident of social and personal risk trade-off method, literature analysis in the process of Railway transport possible factors causing vehicles overturning and leakage of dangerous goods, has a special significance of railway dangerous goods transportation safety
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