    A Fantasy Game Simulation Based on Multi Role and Scene
    Abstract:The video game industry has become more and more important in the market because of it’s development.This paper takes the Unity3D game engine and the C# programming language as the platform,designs and develops an independent Action Role Playing Game.This paper first analyses the excellent games in the market,and gets the core content of an Action Role Playing Game.Then,it’s time to de the requirement analysis,and an appropriate frame for the game is designed based on the Object Oriented and design patterns.In order to solving the problem of multi state transitions in the game,this paper proposes and designs the appropriate finite-state machine,and realizes the transform of multi characters and scenes based on player and enemies.At last,this paper realizes the transform of the function menu.This paper also realizes the design of the battle system and equipment system based on Singleton pattern and Observer pattern.After integration and testing,it meets the expected requirements.
    Keywords:Video game;Unity3D;Finite-state machine;design pattern
    摘要    1
    关键字    1
    Abstract.    1
    Keywords    1
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  研究内容与技术路线    3
    1.3.1  研究内容    3
    1.3.2  技术路线    3
    2  开发平台简介    4
    2.1  Unity3D的简介    4
    2.2  Microsoft Visual Studio    4
    3  模式设计    4
    3.1  动作角色扮演游戏简介    4
    3.2  设计需求分析    5
    3.3  设计模式    6
    3.3.1  设计模式原则    6
    3.3.2  单例模式    7
    3.3.3  观察者模式    7
    3.3.4  有限状态机    7
    3.4  游戏框架设计    7
    3.4.1  客户端的功能框架    7
    3.4.2  玩家角色的功能框架    8
    3.4.3  内置场景功能框架    9
    3.4.4  菜单的功能框架    9
    4  角色活动分析    10
    4.1  玩家活动的分析    10
    4.2  玩家角色的有限状态机    12
    4.3  内置场景的有限状态机    13
    5  游戏的实现    15
    5.1  有限状态机的实现    15
    5.2  玩家角色控制器的实现    16
    5.3  攻击对象控制器的实现    18
    5.4  菜单功能的实现    19
    5.5  道具装备系统的实现    20
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