    摘要:    随着经济的发展,科技的日益普及,计算机技术无疑成为当下时代的领袖,引领着社会走向一个全新的发展时期。目前我国在信息数字化也进入一个高速发展的时期。特别是各地高校的信息化工作,学校在管理信息、学生教学和教师办公方面也在慢慢的发生改变。显而易见的是,使用信息化教学使教学更先进、办公更高效,管理更科学,信息交流也更方便迅速。本系统通过浏览器/服务器的结构的特点并结合成绩分析的实际情况,提出了基于浏览器/服务器结构成绩分析系统的基本设计思想,简要介绍了系统各模块及数据库的设计着重使用了ADO.NET技术和SQL Server 2005开发考试成绩分析系统的数据库访问技术,并给出部分实现代码。通过该成绩分析系统,使学生老师可以方便的在计算机上进行学生关信息的查询。该成绩分析系统在windows 7和VS .NET环境下开发,.NET开发语言使用C#,SQL Server 2005 作为数据库存储工具。该系统在开发过程中,符合系统调查研究、系统分析、系统的设计和系统的实施四个主要过程来进行系统的设计。30864
    毕业论文关键词:    学生成绩分析;.NET;数据库;浏览器/服务器;C#
    Student test scores and analysis system
    Abstract:     With economic development, the growing popularity of technology, computer technology will undoubtedly become the leader in the current era, leading the society towards a new period of development. At present, China has entered the era of digital information to a high-speed development. Information technology work, especially around the university, the school management, teaching, office is also quietly changed. Undoubtedly, the use of information technology education to make teaching more advanced, more efficient office management more scientific, information exchange and more easily and quickly. The browser / server architecture and the characteristics of the actual situation analysis of the results presented based on the basic design philosophy browser / server architecture performance analysis system, briefly describes each module and database focused use of ADO. NET technology and SQL Server 2005 database access technology developed examination analysis system and give part of the implementation code. With this achievement analysis system so that students and teachers can easily check the student-related information on the computer. The browser / server architecture system under windows 7 and Visual studio.NET platform development, using C # as the language for .NET development , SQL Server 2005 as the database storage. The system in the development process, follow the system investigation, system analysis, system design, and system implementation four main phases of the design.
    Keywords:    Student achievement Systems Analysis;.NET; Database; Browser / Server; C#
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1 绪论    5
    1.1 系统开发背景    5
    1.1.1 国内背景    5
    1.1.2 国外背景    6
    1.2 系统开发的必要性    6
    1.3 系统开发目标及意义    7
    1.3.1 开发目标    7
    1.3.2 意义    7
    2 分析    8
    2.1 可行性分析    8
    2.1.1 经济上可行性    8
    2.1.2 技术上可行性    8
    2.1.3 操作可行性    9
    2.2 需求分析    9
    2.2.1 功能需求    9
    2.2.2 运行环境需求    9
    2.3 系统设计原则    9
    2.4 相关技术介绍    10
    2.4.1 Visual Studio 2010开发环境:    10
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