    摘要:随着时代的快速发展,当今社会己进入互联网信息化时代,信息这一概念己经受到社会的广泛关注,被看作社会和科学技术发展的三大支柱(材料、能源、信息)之一。信息是管理的基础,是进行决策的的基本依据。然而,信息是一种非物质的,有别于基本厨房用品信息的新形式的厨房用品信息也是管理的对象,必须进行管理和控制。厨房用品信息系统是将IT技术用于厨房用品信息的管理, 它能够收集与存储厨房的档案信息,提供更新与检索厨房用品信息档案的接口;提高工作效率。30847
    The implementation of kitchen supplies information system
    Abstract: In today's society has entered the era of the information society, information has been widespread concern in society, is seen as the three pillars of social and scientific and technological development (material, energy, information) one. Information is the basis of management is the fundamental basis of the decision-making. In an organization, the information has been used as a fourth the energy of human, material and financial resources outside, plays an important role. However, the information is a non-material object is different from the new information in the form of basic kitchen supplies kitchen supplies information is managed, must be managed and controlled. Kitchen supplies information system is used to manage IT technology kitchen supplies information that can be collected and stored in the kitchen's profile information, providing an interface update and retrieve information archives kitchen supplies; improve work efficiency.
    The system uses C # as the programming language. The paper mainly introduced this topic development background, function and development process to be completed. Key explanation focus system design, design thought, difficult technology and solutions. Key description of the system design, design concept, difficult technology and solutions. Analysis and design of the static and dynamic models of kitchen supplies information system, completed the analysis, design and implementation of the system's work. The mature system development using existing technology as a reference, and share source code as a template, combined with the kitchen utensils information system analysis and functional adjustment of the actual needs, discusses the process of kitchen supplies information system developed by using c #. Kitchen supplies information system development throughout the process, elaborated the system analysis, design, database design, and so on. Development methods were also used on the Semantic Web-related knowledge, through the establishment of kitchen items to kitchen appliances networking set up, in real-life applications, the emergence of the Semantic Web brings great convenience
    KeyWords: kitchen supplies; management system; Semantic Web
    目 录
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景    1
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