摘要随着网络与互联网的发展,云计算在我们的生活中出现得越来越频繁。研究云计算环境下的定价机制有助于云资源供应商和云计算的发展。而定价机制受到云资源分配策略的影响。本文涉及到的云资源分配策略是基于用户需求以及当前系统的各项性能指标对云计算资源进行动态分配以获得最佳的性能。现有的资料,在研究云资源分配策略最优化,大部分都是在固定容量的基础上进行研究。本文则以固定容量为基准,分别从个体租户和云供应商的角度,研究动态定价机制的优劣性。通过联合优化容量和定价机制,以减少云服务提供者的能耗,从而最大化其利润。通过将数据中心的容量以及虚拟资源的定价作为两个相互依赖的变量,我们将联合优化容量和定价的问题形成一个数学优化问题。在给定一个虚拟机资源价格的基础上,我们得出最优的容量与该价格的关系。然后根据该关系,我们最终得出最优的容量和资源价格。仿真结果表明,与基于固定容量的定价机制相比,本文所提出的联合优化容量和资源价格的算法能够进一步提高云服务提供者的利润。 31028
毕业论文关键词 云计算 虚拟资源 定价机制 容量规划
Title Research of pricing of virtual resource in the cloud computing environment
Abstract With the development of the network and the Internet, cloud computing appear more frequently in our life. Study of pricing of cloud computing environment is conducive to the further development of the cloud resource providers and cloud computing. The pricing is affected by the cloud resource allocation policy. This paper involves the cloud resource allocation strategy based on user needs, and the current system of various performance indicators for cloud computing resources dynamic allocation to get the best performance. Nowadays most of the study about the cloud resource allocation optimization based on the fixed capacity among the existing papers. We do the study for the merits of the dynamic pricing from the perspective of inpidual tenants and cloud providers respectively with fixed capacity as a benchmark.Through uniting the capacity and pricing,we can reduce the power consumption of the cloud service providers in order to maximize their revenue.We combine the problem of optimizing the capacity and pricing to transform into a mathematical optimization problem with setting the capacity of the data center and the pricing of virtual resources as two interdependent variables.We obtained the relationship function between the optimal capacity and it’s price on the basis of given price of a virtual machine.According to this function,we get the optimal capacity and resource price.It shows that the algorithm we proposed receives a better revenue than the older one.
Keywords cloud computing virtual resource pricing capacity planning
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 论文研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 论文研究的内容以及新颖之处 2
1.3 论文的章节安排 3
2 云虚拟环境资源分配研究综述 4
2.1 启发式智能算法 4
2.2 从经济理论得到的启发 4
2.3 其他资源分配策略5
2.3.1 基于需求特征的优化策略 5
2.3.2 基于资源粒度的优化策略 5
2.3.3 基于节能环保的优化策略 5
3 云计算资源分配模型的建立 6
3.1 云计算市场模型 6
3.2 SaaS 服务用供应商利润模型 6
- 上一篇:移动自组网数据传输过程模拟
- 下一篇:慢特征分析的算法实现与验证