    摘要:随着计算机技术、Internet的高速发展,同时基于企业本身内部管理及业务发展的需求,开发一套企业办公信息管理系统,实现企业的办公自动化,管理信息化。系统采用B/S 架构以及三层架构模式实现,包含权限动态管理,邮件系统,公告系统,部门管理系统,任务管理系统以及公文系统。用户通过使用自己的账号密码登录系统,系统根据用户所属权限分组,展示用户权限内的功能块。系统用户,分为普通用户、高层用户和管理员权限的用户,普通用户属于正常用户,拥有查看自己的邮件、公告、任务、信息以及修改密码等相关功能;而高层用户,则拥有发布公告、任务、审批公文等相关的功能。然后,如何才能达到上述的要求呢,本系统通过明确的权限分组,权限分组是通过对一系列的权限进行包含与不包含来达到的,用户可以动态调整权限分组的具体权限,然后将用户进行归类,保证整个系统的安全性,明确用户在其范围权限内正常使用企业办公信息管理系统。基于以上的设计思路,本系统基本实现了相关的功能。5703
    关键词:    企业办公管理系统;动态权限管理;邮件系统;B/S架构;安全性
    Design and Implementation of Office Information Management System for Enterprises
    Abstract: With the rapid development of computer technology and Internet, in the needs of the enterprise internal management and business development, the office information management system for enterprises is developed. The system which uses B/S structure and three-tier implementation, contains dynamic permissions management, mail system, notice system, department system, task management system and document management system. Users could using their own account and password to login in the system. The system will check the group which the users belong to, and show the right functional blocks within the user rights. Users are pided into general user, more powerful users and administrator privileges, the general user is a kind of normal user who can check their own e-mails, announcements, tasks, information, and even change their password; while the more powerful users could manage notices, tasks and official document. To ensure the security of the whole system, the system use the group of authority which contain some authority .In that case, we can let the users of the system use office information management system more Smoothly. Based on the design ideas above, the basic functions have been completed.
    Keywords:    Office Information Management System for Enterprises; Dynamic Authority Management; E-mail System; B/S structure; Security
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    系统开发背景    1
    1.2    发展趋势    2
    1.3    系统开发环境    4
    1.3.1    B/S 结构    4
    1.3.2    ASP.Net体系    4
    1.3.3    三层架构思想    4
    1.4    文档结构    4
    2    可行性分析    5
    2.1    技术可行性    5
    2.2    操作可行性    5
    2.3    本章小结    6
    3    需求分析    7
    3.1    系统需求分析    7
    3.2    用户需求分析    7
    3.3    系统功能需求分析    8
    4    总体设计    10
    4.1    系统模块结构总体设计    10
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