    摘要随着时代的发展,我国已经进入了老龄化社会,老年人的问题也引起了社会的广泛关注。老年人随着年纪的变大,身体和心理上都会出现诸多问题,并且由于现在家庭主要以独生子女居多,平时更多地忙于工作,照顾老人的时间和精力有限。当老年人开展室外活动时,比较容易发生意外,所以子女们要对老人实行一定的监护救助。本论文提出的是基于android手机平台的老人监护救助系统,分为老人端和监护人端两个部分。利用JAVA语言对老人端手机开发的GPS定位模块,手机GPS获取坐标后在移动通信技术串联下反馈监护人。通过对百度地图Android SDK的调用开出发地图浏览模块,获取老人坐标后展现在地图上来查看老人的位置,以及对已知两节点间的最优路径分析。利用手机通讯可以及时向监护人求助,android系统自带的手机GPS定位可以实现老人的定位,在老人把位置信息发送给老人后,监护人可以在手机地图上看到老人的实时位置,历史移动路径,活动范围等。通过区域检索,可以查看老人附近的医院,进行路线的导航以及最短路径的查询。32519
    [毕业论文关键词]:GPS; 位置监控 ;移动GIS ;老人监护
    Abstract with the development of the times, our country has entered the aging society, the elderly are gradually increased, also attracted wide attention of the society. The elderly with older, there are many problems both physically and psychologically, and now the family mainly in the one-child family, usually more busy work, take care of the elderly in the limited time and energy. When the elderly to carry out outdoor activities, more prone to accidents, so their children to monitor certain assistance for the old man. This paper is the elderly care assistance system based on Android mobile platform, pided into the old Guardian end and the end of two parts. The use of mobile phone communication can help to the guardian in a timely manner, positioning mobile phone GPS positioning with Android system can achieve the elderly, the elderly in the location information is sent to the elderly, the guardian can see real-time location in the old mobile phone map, historical moving path, the scope of activities etc.. Through the search area, you can view the old man near the hospital, query for route navigation and shortest path.
    Key Words:GPS;  Position monitoring; Mobile GIS ; Aged
    目 录
     1绪论    4
    1.1研究背景和意义    4
    1.1.1研究背景    4
    1.1.2研究意义    4
    1.2国内外研究现状    5
    1.2.1国外研究现状    5
    1.2.2国内研究现状    5
    1.3本论文研究内容    5
    1.4技术路线    6
    第二章 需求分析与系统设计    7
    2.1需求分析    7
    2.1.1一键拨号    7
    2.1.2老人的位置    7
    2.1.3地图导航    7
    2.1.4救助查询    7
    2.2系统功能设计    7
    2.2.1定位功能    8
    2.2.2地图浏览功能    8
    2.2.3地图导航功能    8
    3 系统的技术实现    9
    3.1开发语言和环境    9
    3.1.1.Java语言    9
    3.1.2JDK下载,Java环境变量配置,Eclipse下载    9
    3.1.3ADT下载,Android SDK下载    10
    3.2地图服务    14
    3.3定位服务    15
    3.4地图导航功能    17
    3.5最短路径分析    18
    4 案例展示与分析    21
    4.1查看老人位置    21
    4.2地图浏览    22
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