    摘要:    随着经济与科技的飞速发展,在生产过程中人们对节能越来越重视, 换热器的小型化趋势也日益明显。本文介绍了光管换热器改换成螺纹管换热器的设计计算方法及其程序设计。根据给定的不同制冷量、进口水温和出口水温,运用VB设计钛焊接螺纹管换热器以替代原用的光管换热器。设计内容包括:按照铜光管换热器结构和钛螺纹管换热器结构分别计算水流量、水流速、热媒换热系数、冷媒换热系数、综合换热系数及阻力等。本设计可以比较不同的制冷剂、螺纹管节距、螺纹深度、肋片厚度及螺纹角度对于钛螺纹管换热器换热效果的影响,从而优化螺纹管换热器的设计。 33293
    毕业论文关键词:    换热器;螺纹管;VB
    The Program Design of Thread Tube Heat Exchanger Used in Seawater Aquaculture
    Abstract:     With the rapid development of economy and science and technology , people are paying more and more attention to energy saving in the production process. And the heat exchanger miniaturization trend has become increasingly evident. This paper introduces the design calculation method and program design of changing the heat exchanger from light tube to thread tube. According to the given different cooling capacity, import water temperature and outlet water temperature, using VB design titanium welded threaded tube heat exchanger to replace the original with a light tube heat exchanger. The design elements include: according to the different structure of copper light tube heat exchanger and titanium threaded tube heat exchanger, calculating water flow, water flow rate, heat medium heat transfer coefficient, the refrigerant heat transfer coefficient, integrated heat transfer coefficient and resistance and so on. This design can compare the heat transfer effects of threaded titanium tube heat exchanger with different refrigerant, pipe thread pitch, thread depth, fin thickness and angle of thread , in order to optimize the design of threaded tube heat exchanger .
    Keywords:    Heat exchanger; Threaded pipe; VB
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    螺纹管换热器简介    1
    1.1.1    螺纹管换热器强化传热原理    1
    1.1.2    螺纹管换热器技术特点    1
    1.2    螺纹管换热器发展趋势    2
    2    设计计算    3
    2.1    计算铜光管热媒换热流速    3
    2.2    计算铜光管热媒换热系数    4
    2.3    计算铜光管冷媒换热系数    5
    2.4    计算铜光管综合换热系数    7
    2.5    计算铜光管阻力    8
    2.6    计算钛螺纹管热媒换热流速    13
    2.7    计算钛螺纹管热媒换热系数    14
    2.8    计算钛螺纹管长度    16
    2.9    计算钛螺纹管阻力    19
    3    程序设计    24
    3.1    铜光管热媒换热流速计算程序设计    24
    3.2    铜光管热媒换热系数计算程序设计    26
    3.3    铜光管冷媒换热系数计算程序设计    31
    3.4    铜光管综合换热系数计算程序设计    37
    3.5    铜光管阻力计算程序设计    40
    3.6    钛螺纹管热媒换热流速计算程序设计    51
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