    摘  要:随着网络技术的迅速发展,人们已经越来越接受网上交易、电子购物,电子商务中的网上银行也随之产生,它以交易不受时间和空间的限制、可以随时随地处理用户的请求、用户可以通过简单的操作得到相应的服务、看到结果更加最直观的特点受到广大客户的银行的喜爱。电子商务中网上银行的出现提供了银行用户网上支付的手段,促进了电子商务的发展。
    系统主要实现了以下几个功能:普通账户可以通过登陆系统进行修改个人资料、余额查询、转账汇款、取现、存款、查询交易情况、在线充值(充值手机卡、公交卡等)等操作;管理员(分为超级管理员和普通管理员)可以进行系统管理、账户管理、挂失管理、数据备份等操作。经过需求分析,选择SQL SEVER 2005数据库管理系统作为本系统的后台;在应用程序的开发方面,运用C#作为其开发工具,其主要方面是ADO.NET;在网络查询方面,使用C#技术,开发语言也是C#.NET。34370
    毕业论文关键词: 网上银行;C#.NET;SQL;ADO.NET;C#
    Design and Implementation of E-commerce Online Banking Simulation System
    Abstract: With the fast growth of Internet technology, online transactions, electronic shopping has become increasingly accepted by people, e-commerce and online banking should be born pregnant, it is not subject to trading restrictions of time and space, can handle the user anytime, anywhere request, the user can get the appropriate service through a simple operation, see the results of the most intuitive features more by customers of the bank's favor. The emergence of e-commerce in online banking has greatly enhanced the bank's business, and more convenient for customers.
        This system is mainly to achieve the following functions: general account of personal data can be modified by landing system, balance inquiries, transfer money, cash, deposits, query transactions, online recharge (prepaid phone cards, bus cards, etc.) and other operations; management members (pided into super administrator and general administrators) can perform system administration, account management, report the loss management, data backup and other operations. After the needs analysis, in databases, this project uses SQL SEVER 2005 database management system; in application development using Microsoft VS.NET of C # development tool, using a variety of object-oriented development tool that provides one of the most the main thing is ADO.NET; network query, the use of C # technology, the development language is C # .NET.
        Online electronic banking system is simple, efficient, safe etc., there is no geographical restrictions, ready to meet customer demand for online trading, online trading is indispensable to achieve e-commerce platform.
    Keywords: online banking;C#.NET;SQL;ADO.NET;C#
    目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1 开发背景    1
    1.2 系统简介    1
    1.3 发展趋势    1
    第2章  系统的开发工具    2
    2.1 MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2005简介    2
    2.2 SQL SERVER 2005简介    2
    2.3 ASP.NET简介    2
    2.4 C#.NET简介    2
    2.5 ADO.NET简介    3
    第3章  系统分析    4
    3.1 可行性分析    4
    3.1.1  经济可行性    4
    3.1.2 技术可行性    4
    3.1.3 操作可行性    4
    3.1.4 社会可行性    4
    3.2 需求分析    4
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