    摘要:当今社会,旅游业发展非常迅速,近几年更是出现了智慧旅游的概念。针对一些旅游资源丰富的地区由于缺乏宣传途径而无法大力发展旅游业的情况,本文主要论述了基于 JAVA WEB 技术的“智慧旅游信息服务平台”的实现,以新叶村为例,建立一个旅游信息服务平台,拉近旅游者与新叶村的距离,推动其旅游产业的发展。系统采用B/S结构,根据用户需求进行系统设计,以java语言进行开发,使用myeclipse和MySQL作为开发工具。主要实现功能包括当地新闻、酒店查询与预定、景点查询与预定、特产查询与预定、旅游路线推荐、评论留言等。34607
    毕业论文关键词: 智慧旅游;B/S结构;JAVA;信息网站
    Design and Realization of Intelligent Tourism Information Service Platform
    Abstract: In today's society, the tourism industry is developing very rapidly. In recent years, the concept of wisdom tourism has emerged. This paper mainly discusses the realization of "intelligent tourism information service platform" based on JAVA WEB technology, and takes Xinye Village as an example to establish a tourist information platform. In this paper, the tourism information service platform based on JAVA WEB technology is discussed in view of the lack of propaganda route. The service platform could help make the distance closer between tourists and the Xinye village, to promote the development of its tourism industry. The system uses B / S structure, according to user needs for system design, to java language development, the use of myeclipse and MySQL as a development tool. The main functions include local news, hotel inquiries and reservations, attractions inquiries and reservations, specialty inquiries and reservations, travel routes recommended, comment messages and so on.
    Key words:  Wisdom Tourism; B/S structure; JAVA; Information website
    1概述    1
    1.1选题背景    1
    1.2国内外研究现状    2
    1.3选题意义    2
    2系统开发工具与技术介绍    3
    2.1开发工具    3
    2.1.1 Myeclipse简介    3
    2.1.2 MySQL简介    3
    2.1.3 Navicat for MySQL简介    3
    2.2技术介绍    3
    2.2.1 B/S结构    3
    2.2.2 JSP简介    4
    2.2.3 servlet简介    4
    2.2.4 JDBC简介    4
    2.2.5 Bootstrap简介    4
    3系统需求分析    4
    3.1总体需求概述    4
    3.2初步设计    4
    3.3系统主要功能用例图    5
    3.3.1登录注册    5
    3.3.2当地简介模块    5
    3.3.3新闻模块    5
    3.3.4酒店模块    6
    3.3.5景点模块    7
    3.3.6特产模块    7
    3.3.7推荐路线模块    8
    3.3.8留言模块    8
    3.4系统主要活动图    9
    3.4.1 推荐路线活动图    9
    3.4.2 酒店预订活动图    10
    3.4.3 用户留言活动图    10
    3.4.4 消息管理活动图    11
    4系统总体设计与数据库设计    12
    4.1系统设计    12
    4.1.1类的设计    12
    4.1.2顺序图    12登录顺序图    12酒店预订顺序图    13推荐路线模块顺序图    13
    4.1.2用户留言顺序图    14
    4.2数据库设计    14
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