    The Management System of College Students' Curriculum Design
    Abstract:With the application of computer technology, many companies and enterprise management is becoming more and more systematic and network oriented, in the same way, teaching educational administration, information management system has become an important part of the educational administration teaching. Aiming at many universities of professional curriculum design has not yet been realized information management system, I designed a information management system for students and teachers in universities which makes students and teachers release from the traditional artificial way for curriculum design. The graduation design uses ThinkPHP framework, combining with web technology, created a college student curriculum design B/S management system. To achieve Web control, we mainly use JavaScript and jQuery technology, user interface mainly is mainly created by Bootstrap and CSS. This system is based on my own school’s curriculum design, and in mostly function, it works well.
    Key words:Curriculum Design Management System;ThinkPHP;Web Technology;
    摘要     1
    关键词     1
    Abstract     1
    Key words    1
    引言     1
    1系统概述    1
    1.1选题背景    1
    1.2选题意义    2
    1.3国内外研究现状    2
    1.3.1国内研究现状    2
    1.3.2国外研究现状    2
    2系统开发开发环境及本系统主要技术    2
    2.1WampServer简介    2
    2.2MySQL简介    3
    2.3Bootrstrap简介    3
    2.4JavaScript    3
    2.5jQuery    3
    2.6ThinkPHP简介    3
    3系统需求分析与总体设计    4
    3.1系统需求分析    4
    3.1.1系统功能模块分析    4
    3.1.2系统功能用例图    4
    3.1.3活动图    6
    3.2系统概要设计    7
    3.2.1总E-R图    7
    3.2.2实体属性图    8
    3.2.3数据库表设计    11
    4系统详细设计与实现    14
    4.1界面风格设计    14
    4.2主要业务流程图    14
    4.2.1注册登录流程图    14
    4.2.2自由分组流程图    15
    4.2.3小组管理流程图    16
    4.2.4任务书流程图    18
    4.3关键技术流程图    19
    4.4模块的详细设计与实现    21
    4.4.1注册模块    21
    4.4.2登录模块    22
    4.4.3添加课程设计与导入学生信息模块    23
    4.4.4信息管理模块    24
    4.4.5自由分组模块    24
    4.4.6小组管理模块    25
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