    摘要: 随着社会的发展,科技的创新,人们的生活水平日益提升,对物质、娱乐等各个方面的要求也在日益提高。现今,人们已经不再满足于网上听音质差的网络歌曲,更是着重于到实体店面去购买各种高质量的唱片,可是听完就没有什么用了,放着又会阻碍地方,并且造成资源的浪费。为此,唱片出租行业在不断的壮大,大大小小的唱片出租店到处可见。故而,开发一个唱片出租管理系统的时机已经成熟了。在21世纪,随着计算机技术的飞速发展,促进了计算机应用领域,利用计算机实现企业管理项目管理必不可少的。利用计算机支持企业完成日常管理的高效率,满足现代企业制度,加强科学规范管理的更加科学化、更加规范化。不同的公司管理制度,建立项目管理体系就有着不同需要。对于唱片出租管理就是一个比较繁琐的工作了,于是针对目前的状况我们设计了一个唱片出租管理系统。这个唱片出租管理系统基于C #和脚本语言结合SQL Server数据库,通过信息处理,使管理更加规范化,提高信息处理速度和精度的方法。34715
    毕业论文关键词:  唱片出租管理;SQL Server;C#
    Disc Rental Management System
    Abstract:With the development of the society, the innovation of science and technology, people's living standards rising, for material, entertainment and so on various aspects requirements are also increasing. Nowadays, people no longer content with online to  listen to the poor quality of songs , but also focuses on the entity shop to buy all kinds of high quality disc , but have no use watching, in blocks, and causes the waste of resources. For this purpose, the record industry is constantly growing, large and small record store, everywhere. So, develop a disc rental management system of the time is ripe. In twenty-first Century, with the rapid development of computer technology, the popularization of computer application in enterprise management, the use of computer to realize enterprise management is imperative.. The use of computer supported enterprises to complete the daily management of the enterprise efficiency, is to meet the requirements of modern enterprise system, and promote the scientific and standardized management to the scientific and standardized. Different enterprises have different management system, which determines the need for different enterprise management system. For the record is a relatively tedious work, then to the present state of the rental management system we have designed a records. This system based on C # and some scripting language and SQL Server database combining, through the application process information, make the management standardized, systematic, improve the speed and accuracy of information processing.
    KeyWords:  Disc rental system; SQL Server; C #
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 系统背景分析    1
    1.2 任务的提出    1
    1.2.1 国内外研究情况    1
    1.2.2 发展趋势    1
    1.3 课题目的和所要达到的要求    2
    1.3.1 课题目的    2
    1.3.2 课题所要达到的要求    2
    1.4 系统开发计划    2
    2 系统分析    3
    2.1 总体分析    3
    2.1.1 可行性分析    3
    2.1.2 业务需求分析    3
    2.1.3 功能需求分析    4
    2.1.4 数据需求分析    5
    2.1.5 开发工具选择    5
    2.2 系统功能分析    5
    2.2.1 会员信息管理    5
    2.2.2 歌手信息管理    6
    2.2.3 唱片公司信息管理    6
    2.2.4 唱片信息管理    6
    2.2.5 出租唱片管理    6
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