    摘要:    由于现在网络的飞速发展,现今的IPv4网络已经暴露了很多问题,为了保持未来互联网能够稳定持续的发展,使用IPv6协议使得网络地址空间容量更大、部署更加灵活、安全性更高。课题研究网络互联中IPv6协议的服务器架构体系,并在仿真平台上讨论局域网的框架结构和虚拟机的组网实验。在虚拟机组网中架设了IIS信息发布服务、Web服务和DNS域名系统等,并对比分析IPv4和IPv6协议及其特征,虚拟架构实际局域网的运行状态。同时专题讨论了OSPF协议,也对IPv4与IPv6过渡技术:双栈协议、隧道代理、网络地址转换/协议翻译等作了一些探讨。通过虚拟机局域网的组网的设置经验,对今后在设置实际IPv6局域网具有深刻的指导意义。34707
    毕业论文关键词:    局域网;IPv6协议;网络架构;组网设置;虚拟机组网
    The Design of Enterprise LAN Architecture Based on IPv6
    Abstract:     Now because of the rapid development of Internet, the present IPv4 has exposed
    many problems. In order to keep the future of the Internet that can be continuous and stable, using IPv6 become more flexible, more safety and the address apace becomes bigger. In paper, the server architecture system of the IPv6 in network interconnection has been researched. And also the frame structure of LAN has been discussed in the simulation platform, and the experiment of virtual machine has been carried out. The IIS information dissemination services, Web services and DNS domain name system have been set up in the virtual machine. And the features of between IPv6 and IPv4 are discussed and comparative analyzed. And the running state of the actual LAN is simulated. In the paper, three transitional technologies from IPv4 to IPv6 have been deeply analyzed such as dual stack, the tunnel broker and NAT-PT and the conference focused on OSPF protocol. Through the experience of the virtual machine LAN settings, the settings of the actual IPv6 will be profound guidance significance in the future.
    Keywords:    LAN; Internet Protocol Version 6; Network Architecture; Network Settings; Virtual machine network
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    基于IPv6的网络应用概述    1
    1.1    网络管理概述    1
    1.2    IPV6协议介绍    1
    1.2.1    IPv4协议    1
    1.2.2    IPv6协议新特征    3
    1.2.3    IPv6的发展前景    5
    1.2.4    IPv6在国内外的研究以及水平    5
    1.3    网络管理框架组    7
    1.3.1    OSI模型    7
    1.3.2    TCP/IP模型    8
    2    企业局域网中的IPv4与IPv6协议分析    10
    2.1    IPV4向IPV6过渡技术    10
    2.1.1    双栈协议    10
    2.1.2    隧道技术    11
    2.1.3    NAT-PT    12
    2.2    组建企业局域网设计与规划    12
    2.2.1    项目背景    12
    2.2.2    需求分析    13
    3    企业局域网过渡技术的仿真平台与实现    14
    3.1过渡技术的仿真实验    14
    3.1.1  GNS3仿真平台概述    14
    3.1.2    隧道技术在仿真平台的实现    14
    3.1.3    NAT-PT在仿真平台的实现    18
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