    毕业论文关键词: 电子鼻;支持向量机(SVM);特征提取;模式识别
     Based on the electronic nose SVM pattern recognition research and implementation of the algorithm
    Abstract:The electronic nose has raised along with the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence.It is the main approach to solve the difficulty about identification of odor by machines. In the recent two decades, for the both domestic and overseas study of the electronic nose mainly consists two aspects: 1: hardware electronic nose system research and the composition of sensor array, 2: the improvement of the electronic nose pattern recognition algorithm.Pattern recognition is to collect the sensor array of data sets by data pre processing and then to study the qualitative or class model, and finally to identify the unknown smelling. Therefore,the research of electronic nose pattern recognition algorithm has  relatively high theoretical and practical significance.
    The traditional pattern recognition algorithm based on statistics requires having enough samples,however,in the actual situation,it is often difficult to meet the requirements, and limited number of samples increased the difficulty to achieve the desired learning effect. Support vector machine (SVM) was put forward in 1995 as a new pattern recognition algorithm, it can solve the problem of small sample situations, and overcome the difficulty of neural network through learning at the same time, so this article choose support vector machine (SVM) as the pattern recognition algorithm on the electronic nose.
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