    Design and Implementation of Sheep Breeding Management System Based on Web
    Abstract: With the development of the times, the competition is becoming more and more fierce in the breeding industry. With the rapid development of information technology, it is possible to design a scientific management system for the traditional farming industry. After analyzing the sheep breeding process in sheep farms, under the guidance of the idea that object oriented software engineering, based on B/S architecture, using Myeclipse, Tomcat and Mysql as the development platform, using Java and Jsp language, designing and implementing the sheep farm management system based on Web. The system includes sheep management module, drug management module, disease management module, management module, feed sheep farm management module, statistical analysis module and a notification module, the management module for the management of sheepfold and staff, providing a convenient data management platform for all types of staff sheep farms.
    Key words: breed; mutton sheep; management
    目  录
    摘要:    1
    关键词:    1
    ABSTRACT:.    1
    KEY WORDS:    1
    综述    2
    1.1  国内现状    2
    1.2  国外现状    2
    2  开发平台及相关技术    2
    2.1  开发平台    2
    2.2  相关技术    2
    2.3  框架使用    2
    3  需求分析    3
    3.1  需求调研    3
    3.1.1  用户调研    3
    3.1.2  初步设计    3
    3.2  角色需求及用例    3
    3.3  系统活动图设计    7
    4  系统设计与数据库设计    9
    4.1  系统设计    9
    4.1.1  类的设计    9
    4.1.2  顺序图    11
    4.1.3  总体设计    13
    4.2  数据库设计    13
    4.2.1  逻辑数据库设计    13
    4.2.2  物理数据库设计    14
    5  系统实现    14
    5.1  开发和部署环境    14
    5.1.1  开发工具    14
    5.1.2  系统运行环境    15
    5.2  本系统的总体流程介绍    15
    5.3  关键算法    15
    5.4  系统功能实现    16
    5.4.1  羊只管理功能    17
    5.4.2  药品管理功能    17
    5.4.3  疾病管理功能    17
    5.4.4  饲料管理功能    18
    5.4.5  羊场管理功能    18
    5.4.6  统计分析功能    19
    5.4.7  通知功能    20
    5.5  测试和应用    20
    5.5.1  测试目标    20
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