    摘要:    随着互联网的发展,网站的功能和技术日益强大。本文将从网站的发展和现在的状态进行解析,结合客户的阅读习惯和实际需求,做出能带给用户网站优秀的体验,同时达到宣传产品的效果的网站。网站的主要功能为宣传产品。本文将详细阐述“锐打360”产品介绍网站从规划直至开发完成的过程。网站根据当下互联网的最新技术,采用HTML5和CSS3作为网站框架,JavaScript为脚本语言,sublim为前端开发工具,根据用户在产品介绍网站上的浏览顺序和用户体验为基础,制定一套解决方案。使其能使用户在浏览时轻松地了解产品详细信息,同时联系公司、购买产品。另外,网站的设计将以简约为基础,让人在简洁的页面中快速找到想要的产品信息。35679
    毕业论文关键词:    HTML5;CSS3;JavaScript;
    "RP360" Product introduction website development
    With the development of the Internet, the function of the website and the increasingly powerful technology. This paper will analyze from the website development and the present situation, combined with the customer's reading habits and the actual demand, make the user can bring good experience at the site, the effect of website promotional products. The main functions of the website for promotional products. This paper will elaborate on the "sharp 360" product introduction process until the completion of the development of the website from planning. According to the latest technology in the current Internet website, using HTML5 and CSS3 as a web framework, JavaScript scripting language, sublim as the front-end development tools, according to the user in the product description on the website browsing sequence and the user experience as the basis, to develop a set of solutions. It enables users to easily understand the detailed product information in the browser, at the same time, contact the company to buy the product. In addition, the design of the website will be based on the simple, let people find the desired product information quickly in the concise page.
    Keywords:    HTML5; CSS3; JavaScript;
    目 录
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 前言    1
    1.1.1 网站开发的意义    1
    1.1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.1.3 发展趋势    2
    1.2 “锐打360”产品介绍网站概述    3
    1.3 “锐打360”产品介绍网站开发计划    4
    1.4 本文主要内容    5
    2 网站开发环境    6
    2.1 网页设计语言概述    6
    2.1.1 HTML语言介绍    6
    2.1.2 CSS语言介绍    7
    2.1.3 JavaScript语言介绍    8
    2.1.4 jQuery介绍    8
    2.1.5 Webkit核心浏览器介绍    8
    2.1.6 Gecko核心浏览器介绍    9
    2.2 网页编辑工具介绍    9
    2.3 其他开发工具    9
    2.3.1 Photoshop静态图片制作    9
    3 “锐打360”产品介绍网站分析    11
    3.1 可行性分析    11
    3.1.1 技术可行性    11
    3.1.2 经济可行性    11
    3.1.3 营运可行性    12
    3.1.4 网站设计流程    12
    3.2 “锐打360”产品介绍网站需求分析    12
    3.2.1 “锐打360”产品介绍网站建站目的    13
    3.2.2 调查用户需求    13
    3.3 “锐打360”产品介绍网站功能和模块    14
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