    Design and Implementation of Production Management System Enterprise for ERP System
    Abstract: In the twenty-first century, market economy becomes more and more globalism, the development of science and technology make the informatization and networking become the inevitable tendency of the economic development. Clothing enterprise is such a kind of labour concentrated industry, in order to see the situation clearly, occupy the market, reinforce the management of business process, the application of advanced supervisor mode and quick information management scheme is a sensible and necessary choice. In that case, ERP become the first choice of clothing enterprise. In this project, I summarized the common problems and joint demand of clothing enterprises after investigated and surveyed several middle and small scale clothing enterprises, besides these, I combined the actual demand of those enterprises, finally completed the development of clothing enterprises’ MIS( management information system ) which guided by the advanced ERP thoughts. There are two main function of my system; first is to draft the production plan according to sales order, the other one is the management of the whole work flow. The simplification of management style can reduce the cost of the staffs who take charge of production management, and design excellent production plan for enterprises.
    Keywords:  Product Management; Enterprise ERP; Tree structure
    1    绪论    4
    1.1    系统背景分析    4
    1.2    任务的提出    4
    1.2.1    国内外研究情况    4
    1.2.2    发展趋势    5
    1.3    课题目的和所要达到的要求    5
    1.3.1    课题目的    5
    1.3.2    课题所要达到的要求    6
    1.4    系统开发计划    6
    2    系统分析    7
    2.1    总体分析    7
    2.1.1    可行性分析    7
    2.1.2    需求分析    7
    2.1.3    开发工具选择    8
    2.2    系统功能分析    8
    2.3    系统环境    9
    2.3.1    最低配置    9
    2.3.2    推荐配置    9
    3    系统设计    10
    3.1    系统功能结构图    10
    3.2    系统功能划分    10
    3.2.1    用户登录与数据源设置    10
    3.2.2    生产计划模块    11
    3.2.3    工艺路线模块    12
    3.2.4    领料申请模块    12
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