    摘要:    在现今电子信息高速发展的时代,电子游戏已经深入人们的日常生活,成为老少皆宜的娱乐方式。但是游戏设计结合了日新月异的技术,在一个产品中整合了复杂的设计、艺术、声音和软件,所以并不是人人皆知。
    贪吃蛇发明者是Jeremy:蛇引诱夏娃吃了苹果之后,就被贬为毒虫,阴险的象征。 而蛇吃东西是整只动物吞进去的,大概在文艺复兴的时候(好象是那个时候但是不确定)就有人发明的一种游戏,是现在贪吃蛇的前身。后来慢慢的发展就变成了今天的贪吃蛇了。
    本项目开发的主要目的是通过使用Visual C++6.0进行设计,详细介绍了基于MFC的贪吃蛇系统的开发过程。内容包括Visual C++6.0的特点,游戏的历史,系统的可行性研究,功能分析,总体设计和详细设计。6059
    关键词:    贪吃蛇;游戏;Visual C++6.0
    Snake game project
    Abstract:     In the rapid development of the electronic information era, computer game has penetrated into people's daily life, become a family-friendly entertainment. But with the technology change rapidly in game design, sophisticated design, art, audio and software integration in a product, so not all the world knows.
    Snake is the inventor of Jeremy: the serpent tempts Eve ate the apple, he was demoted to the vermin, insidious symbol. But the snake eat a whole animal swallowed it, probably in the Renaissance (like the time but not sure) is a game invented by people, is now the snake's predecessor. Then slowly development becomes today's snake.
    Snake chose this name, the intention is very obvious, the snake is not greed, it is people constantly in pursuit of symbol, like modern people can only continue to move forward in order to get what they want. And the food is random, like social opportunities exist, but we only find their target to be successful.
    The main purpose of this project is designed by using Visual C++6.0, introduces the development process of snake system based on MFC. Content includes the characteristics of Visual C++6.0, the history of the game, the feasibility study, system analysis, system design and detailed design.
    The development process through the project can understand the snake, but also can be used as a reference when developing system.
    Keywords:    Snake; Game; Visual C++6.0
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    5
    1.1    课题背景    5
    1.2    论文的提出    6
    1.2.1    国内外的研究情况    6
    1.3    课题目的和所要达到的要求    7
    1.3.1    课题目的    7
    1.3.2    课题所要达到的要求    7
    1.4    VISUAL C++6.0 简介    7
    1.5    MFC 简介    9
    2    分析    12
    2.1    总体分析    12
    2.1.1    可行性分析    12
    2.1.2    需求分析    13
    2.1.3    系统功能分析    14
    3    设计    16
  1. 上一篇:C#公司销售薪资系统设计+需求分析+ER图
  2. 下一篇:asp.net操作系统教学网站设计论坛模块
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