    更加全面的网上养老院不仅能够解决老年人缺乏照顾的难题,还能为老年人的晚期生活带来更多的娱乐。网上养老院的主要目的是把眼光看向新科学技术的逐一同化和对外传播过程的主要关系,对其影响因素进行了解,并且看随着关注这项设计的人增多能否给其带来技术方面的革新。网上养老院的出现,使人们的对养老院的认识得到提高。本设计尝试用VS2008在网络上架构一个网上养老院。本文从多个不同的角度的角度出发,在诸多理论的铺垫下,设计出一个能全发面满足老年人要求的网上养老院设计。论文开始主要对用到的软件和开发语言进行了简单的介绍,然后对该系统运用的知识进行了大概的解释,例如:面向对象设计的流程进行简单的分析;对该系统设计所需要运用到的技术vs2008的特点进行讲解、该设计的大概框架的展示以及其实现的方法。接着对该设计的需求分析进行讲解,然后对网上养老院设计的思想以及该设计要达到的目标进行精确的规划。最后对网上养老院设计的重要版面、数据库、网上养老院设计的实现进行详细的解答。根据系统所需功能,采用Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express做网上养老院设计的后台数据库,运用Microsoft Visual Studio 2008作为该程序的开发工具,按照平时老师的教导方法,运用面向对象的方法,经过系统的设计和精确的分析,完成网上养老院系统。
    毕业论文关键词:网上养老院,ASP.NET,SQL Server数据库
     nursing home online
    Abstract:Along with the development of the population aging in our country, the old man more and more, but because of the system of family planning in China, a lot of the old man had only one child, and a lot of children are not in local, in many cases, so the old man's life is not very convenient, how these old people provide a good environment for the elderly is the main content of many institutional research.This design attempts to use VS2008 architecture on the Internet an online nursing home. In this paper, from two angles of theory and practice, to a with functions of data mining to analyze design and implementation of the nursing home online. Paper first object-oriented analysis and design were introduced in detail the concept and technology of special deep in this system are introduced in application to knowledge, such as: object oriented analysis and design process; The characteristics of the system for the development of technologies used in VS2008, structure and using method. Then analyzes the feasibility of the curriculum system, and then the system design idea, design goal and the overall structure of the specific planning. Finally, the system's main page, database, the design and implementation of application made a detailed explanation.According to the function needed by the system, using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express do background database, choose the powerful Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as development tools, in strict accordance with the principle of software engineering, using object-oriented method, after the detailed design and analysis, complete the system.
    Keywords: nursing home online, ASP.NET, SQL Server database
    目  录
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    1 系统概述    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2系统意义    1
    1.3 国内外研究水平    3
    1.4 发展趋势    4
    1.5 主要代码    4
    2 系统开发环境    6
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