
    摘要随着计算机的普及,信息技术的不断发展,网络通信技术的越发成熟,越来 越多的人们将会热衷和习惯于网上购物。B2C 网上书店作为一种重要的电子商务 模式,其简单方便快捷的特点将会受到广大图书爱好者们的青睐。68524

    iBookStore 网上书城是一个基于 B2C 电子商务模式的网络图书销售系统, 本系统采用了经典的.NET 三层架构,实现了一个电子书城的主要功能。本系统主 要分为前台模块和后台模块:前台模块实现了商品的展示,浏览,搜索,购买, 用户的注册,用户信息的修改等功能;后台模块实现了商品的添加,删除,商品 信息的修改,用户的添加,删除,管理员信息的修改,订单的管理等功能。本系 统采用了 SiteMapPath、Menu 来实现网上书城的导航。

    在不断的修改和调试下,一个功能完善的 B2C 网上书城最终完成。


    Title    Design and implementation of online bookstores based   B2C     



    With the popularity of computers , the development of information technology, network communication technology more mature , more and more people will be keen and accustomed to online shopping. B2C online bookstore as an important e-business model , its simple and convenient features will be the majority of book lovers of all ages.

    iBookStore online bookstore is a B2C e-commerce model based on book sales network system , the system uses a classic . NET three-tier architecture to realize the main functions of an electronic bookstore . The system is pided into front and back office modules modules: Front module implements the display of goods , browse , search, purchase, user registration, user information , such as modifying the function ; background module implements commodity add , delete, modify product information users to add , delete, modify , order management and other functions administrators information. The system uses the SiteMapPath, Menu navigation to achieve online bookstores .

    In the continuous changes and debugging , a fully functional B2C online bookstores finalized.


    Keywords : online bookstores , B2C, NET, E-commerce



    毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 I

    毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 II

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 网上书城的特点与现状 1

    1.3 开发技术与环境 3

    1.3.1 B2C 3

    1.3.2 B/S 架构 3

    1.3.3 ASP.NET 5

    1.3.4 ASP.NET 三层架构 5

    1.3.5 C# 6

    1.3.6 SQL SERVER 2008 7

    1.3.7 Visual Studio 2008 7

    2 需求分析 8

    2.1 可行性分析 8

    2.1.1 技术可行性 8

    2.1.2 经济可行性 8

    2.2 功能需求 9

    2.3 外观需求 9

    2.4 系统功能用例图 10

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