    摘要:本文首先对Android操作系统结构,Android开发环境做了比较详细的分析。同时结合高德地图、卫星定位技术、在Android上的定位,进行了深入的研究,并设计了基于Android系统的定位应用软件。在前期的研究过程中,运用AndroiTS GPS Tset应用软件对北斗卫星定位系统在不同的时间段做了一定程度的测试,并对获取到的数据进行了一定程度上的分析。此应用软件使用Java语言和Eclipse开发工具进行编写。实现了自我定位与路径导航的功能。同时给出了详细的系统设计过程,主要功能运行流程图及应用软件的效果图。定位功能在如今在越来越多的应用软件被运用,并且应用软件中使用定位功能的趋势越来越明显,可见定位服务在今后有很大的发展前景。37710
      The positioning system based on Android
    Abstract: This paper firstly analyzes the structure of Android operating system, and Android development environment.. At the same time, combining with the high moral map, satellite positioning technology, and positioning on the Android, the in-depth study is carried out, and the positioning application software based on Android is designed.. In the initial stage of research, and then use AndroiTS GPS Tset application software of Beidou satellite positioning system in different periods of time do a certain degree of test and the access to the data were analysis to a certain extent. The application software is written in Java language and Eclipse development tools. The function of self localization and route navigation is realized.. At the same time, the design process of the detailed system, the main function of the running flow chart and the effect chart of the application software are given.. Functional orientation in today in more and more application software being used, and application software using positioning function of the trend is more and more obvious and visible location service has great prospects for development in the future.
    Key words: Android、Eclipse、Java、satellite positioning
    1绪论    3
    1.1 背景及意义    3
    1.2 研究现状    4
    1.3 研究课题主要内容    5
    2.系统分析    5
    2.1 Android 系统概述    5
    2.2定位方式    7
    2.2.1 基于GPS的定位方式    7
    2.2.2 基于移动网络的定位方式    9
    2.2.3联合定位方式    11
    2.2.4定位技术分析比较    11
    (1)卫星定位    11
    (2) 蜂窝小区定位    12
    (3)  AOA定位(即信号到达角度定位技术)    12
    (4) TOA定位(即基于到达时间定位技术)    12
    2.3.7  A-GPS定位    12
    3. 卫星定位测试    13
    3.1 测试工具介绍    14
    3.2.1 测试用硬件介绍    14
    3.2.2 测试用软件介绍    14
    3.2 测试方法    18
    3.3 测试结果分析    18
    4. 开发环境的搭建    19
    4.1 Eclipse 简介    19
    4.2  Android开发环境的搭建    19
    4.2.1 JDK的安装    19
    4.2.2  Eclipse的安装    20
    4.2.3  Android SDK安装    21
    4.2.4  ADT安装    23
    4.2.5  创建AVD(即Android虚拟模拟器)    23
    4.3 地图应用服务类    24
    4.4 移动定位服务类    25
    4.5地图API的选取    26
    4.5.1 地图的比较    26
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