    摘  要:随着社会的进步,人们的生活水平显著提高,人们出行和旅游的方式也多样化,乘坐飞机出行的人越来越多,传统的窗口购票方式已经远远无法满足现代社会需求。现在互联网技术成熟,计算机普遍应用,网上订票系统很好的解决了传统订票方式存在的许多问题。37912
     Design and Implementation of the Flight Booking System
    Abstract: With the progress of society, people's living standards have markedly improved the way people travel and tourism are also perse, to travel by plane more and more people buy tickets the traditional window has far unable to meet the needs of modern society. Internet technology is now mature, widely used computer, online booking system a good solution to many problems exist in the traditional ticketing systems.
    The contents of this graduation project is to design and implement a web-based technology of flight booking sites, the system mainly to j2EE as a development was mainly used in combination with struts2 + spring + hibernate, and other frameworks, with myeclipse as a development tool, database then use MYSQL, with Macromedia's Dreamweaver to beautify the system interface, using JAVA language development, interface with JSP dynamic page development technology. The system interface is clean, friendly and nice, user operation is very convenient, but also easy to maintain.
    This article from the development background of the system, requirements analysis, system design all day long, detailed system design, database design and other aspects of the system introduced
    Keywords: Flight;Ticketing; JAVA;S.S.H;JSP
    目  录
    第1章  绪论    1
    1.1开发背景    1
    。1.2设计目的    1
    1.3 系统应用前景    1
    第2章  系统开发环境及技术与可行性分析    3
    2.1系统开发环境    3
    2.1.1 MyEclipse    3
    2.1.2 数据库简介    3
    2.1.3 Hibernate    3
    2.2系统开发的思想与技术    3
    2.2.1 系统的开发技术和框架    3
    2.2.2 S.S.H框架的优点    3
    2.3 可行性分析    4
    2.4 本章小结    5
    第3章  需求分析与系统总体设计    6
    3.1 需求分析    6
    3.1.1 背景需求    6
    3.1.2 功能需求    6
    3.1.3 软件需求    6
    3.1.4 硬件需求    6
    3.2系统流程图    6
    3.3 总体功能模块    7
    3.4 系统管理员功能模块    8
    3.5 用户的权限及功能模块    8
    3.6 系统业务的描述    9
    3.6 系统流程图    9
    3.7 本章小结    10
    第4章  系统详细设计与实现    11
    4.1系统和数据库的配置    11
    4.2数据库概念设计    11
    4.3数据库表结构    11
    4.4平台数据表的设计与实现    13
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