    NJAU stadium reservation system design based on Web
    Abstract:With the rapid development of modern internet, people's life becomes more convenient and a lot of things can be done at home. Taking NJAU stadium for example, the system breaks the traditional ways of telephone booking and artificial booking. By using the online booking system of campus stadium, it can achieve the functions of convenient and efficient booking and management, reducing the workload of the administrator to improve the effective use of sports venues, avoiding the Empty field and other situations effectively. Based on B/S mode, the system uses Eclipse and other development tools such as Java, Jsp, using SSM (SpringMVC, Spring, Mybaits) as a framework, what’ s more, Oracle is used as the database, having simple and beautiful Bootstrap front-end framework at the same time. Finally, this system has achieved the functions of developing the Site Management, booking sites, booking payments and so on.
    Key words: sports venue reservation; Java; SSM framework; Oracle database; Bootstrap
    目  录

    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    1
    研究背景及意义    1
    1.1  选题背景    1
    1.2  研究意义    2
    2  系统开发环境及技术    2
    2.1  系统开发环境    2
    2.2  开发技术及工具    2
    2.2.1  Eclipse开发工具    2
    2.2.2  Oracle数据库    2
    2.2.3  Tomcat服务器    3
    2.2.4  JSP    3
    2.2.5  SSM框架    3
    2.2.6  Bootstrap框架    3
    3  可行性及需求分析    4
    3.1  可行性研究    4
    3.1.1  技术可行性    4
    3.1.2  系统可行性    4
    3.2  需求分析    4
    3.1.2  系统需求    4
    3.1.2  功能需求    4
    4  系统总体设计    4
    4.1  系统功能模块    5
    4.2  系统业务流程    5
    4.2.1  登录功能    5
    4.2.2  密码修改功能    6
    4.2.3  预约功能    6
    4.2.4  其他功能    7
    4.3  数据库设计    7
    4.3.1  数据库的配置    7
    4.3.2  概念模型设计    7
    4.3.3  数据库逻辑模型    8
    4.3.4  数据库表结构设计    8
    4.4  系统框架设计    10
    5 系统功能与实现    12
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