    Hospital appointment registration improved system based on JAVA
    Abstract:With the rapid development and popularization of the Internet, more and more people use the Internet to make an appointment registration. However, due to the existence of weak identity authentication and other problems, a large number of ticket scalpers are produced, they grasp and resell the source of specialist to make the huge profits, as a result, patients’ registration are seriously affected. In this paper, in the combination of current situation, by doing a lot of research and data collection, the foreground using JSP development language, and MYSQL database management system is used in the background, with the help of Tomcat server and SSH framework, the hospital appointment registration system based on JAVA is developed finally. In this system, an agent identity is created innovatively with the corresponding  administrator’s review process. It can restrain the phenomenon of the proliferation of ticket scalpers fundamentally, so that more patients can register successfully, especially help the patients who are not local to make appointment registration more conveniently. The whole system has the advantages of simple structure, friendly interface, safety, flexibility. Through the test, it can run steadily. At the same time, the principle of the system can be promoted into many ticket booking systems, including various tickets on commission, thus can provide a more standardized management of the ticket agencies. Over all, the system has good prospects for application.
    Key words: JAVA;Appointment Registration;JSP;MYSQL
    目  录

    Key words4
    1  绪论4
    1.1  课题研发背景5
    1.2  课题研发意义5
    1.3  课题研发内容5
    1.4  课题研发方法5
    2  系统相关技术介绍6
    2.1  MVC开发模式6
    2.2  JAVA技术介绍6
    2.3  WEB实现技术6
    2.4  SSH框架6
    2.5  JSP技术6
    3  系统可行性分析与需求分析6
    3.1  系统可行性分析6
    3.1.1  经济可行性分析7
    3.1.2  技术可行性分析7
    3.1.3  应用可行性分析7
    3.2  需求分析7
    3.2.1  系统功能需求分析7
    3.2.2  系统界面需求分析7
    3.2.3  系统性能需求分析8
    4  系统设计8
    4.1  系统设计目标8
    4.2  系统总体设计8
    4.2.1  系统具体工作流程8
    4.2.2  系统功能模块的设计9
    4.2.3  E-R 模型的设计9
    4.3  数据库设计11
    5  系统功能实现13
    5.1  系统登录模块13
    5.1.1  管理员登录13
    5.1.2  普通患者登录13
    5.1.3  代理登录14
    5.2  用户个人信息管理模块15
    5.2.1  患者信息管理15
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