    毕业论文关键词:    iOS平台;网络流量监控;应用开发
     Network traffic monitoring application software based on the iOS platform
    Abstract: Through to the "based on iOS network traffic monitoring application software" the research of this topic, understand the current mobile Internet market based on Apple's iOS mobile device operating system in the United States the development of the study, implementation of practical mobile application development, implement the idea of the developers directly.
    The current mobile Internet has been the most effective tools for modern daily life, with the continuous development of information technology, mobile interconnection among inpiduals based on each person has become the inevitable trend of future development, and in the way of achieving that vision equipment is represented by mobile phone of the mobile devices, such as plates, glasses, watches, even bras, insoles and other smart wear equipment. So as mobile operating system Android and iOS.
    The current flow domestic mobile market is still difficult to achieve free WiFi Internet based, although in recent years, the major manufacturers have launched their own products, but in the end had become tasteless abandon eaten but a pity to chicken ribs. Due to the monopoly of domestic operators still exist for a long time, so consumers have to "count" on the data flow, but also hard to avoid misfortune baited, because of all kinds of traffic problems caused by the phone for common occurance. Thus makes the study of this subject a tangible market demand.
    This topic is based on the development of the iOS platform learning can developed an intelligent use of traffic monitoring and remind the user, and the intelligence analysis is the use of, so as to provide users with better experience.
    Keywords:    The iOS platform; Network traffic monitoring;Application development
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    3
    1    绪论    4
    1.1    研究背景    4
    1.2    研究目的和意义    4
    1.3    国内外研究现状与水平    5
    1.4    发展趋势    5
    1.5    本文章节安排    7
    2    系统分析与开发环境    8
    2.1    需求分析    8
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