    Design and Implementation of Purchasing Management System for Enterprise ERP System
    Abstract: Procurement, supply chain is an important part of the success of its business management has a huge impact. For businesses, the correct raw materials and semi-finished products at the right price, the right quality at the right time to the right place is crucial. Procurement management is an important means of cost control, production costs are out of control, the key is the procurement management is in place. Thus, a corporate procurement department is essential and critical to the business sector. The merits and efficiency of the purchasing department of business directly related to the cost of production directly affects the effectiveness of the project, thus affecting the development of enterprises. The information age, as the market demand continues to change and develop, the traditional procurement methods has been difficult to meet the needs of enterprise development. With the development of computer network technology, network-based material procurement management systems are increasingly favored by the business. The system uses SQLserver2008R2 as well as the implementation of the system VisualStudio2012 tool, C # .Net programming language.
    KeyWords: Procurement; Enterprise ERP; Vendor
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1.    系统背景分析    1
    1.2.    任务的提出    1
    1.2.1.    国内外研究情况    1
    1.2.2.    发展趋势    1
    1.3.    课题目的和所要达到要求    3
    1.3.1.    课题目的    3
    1.3.2.    课题所要达到要求    3
    1.4.    系统开发计划    4
    2.    系统分析    5
    2.1.    总体分析    5
    2.1.1.    可行性分析    5
    2.1.2.    需求分析    5
    2.1.3.    开发工具选择    6
    2.2.    系统功能分析    6
    2.3.    系统环境    6
    3.    系统设计    7
    3.1.    概要设计    7
    3.2.    系统功能结构图    7
    3.3.    系统功能划分    7
    3.3.1.    用户登录与数据源设置    7
    3.3.2.    供应商资格审批    8
    3.3.3.    供应商供货审批    9
    3.3.4.    供应商供货审批    10
    3.3.5.    供应商列表    11
    3.3.6.    各个列表    12
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