    Design and implementation of the mall merchandise management system
    Abstract: Sales management is the core of enterprise management, the primacy in business management, and how the economic strength of a business largely depends on the effect of corporate sales management. Use of advanced computer technology, a series of sales and accounts affiliated companies involved in the sales process into a comprehensive tracking and management, to solve the labor management process management inefficiencies, inaccurate, not timely management and other issues, thus greatly improving the speed of operation of the business, improve enterprise management level, to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, enterprise sales management more scientific and reasonable. Changes in management, so that enterprises will be passed in the computer management system for the entire sales process and analyze statistical data and make the necessary adjustments based on the analysis results, so that enterprises occupy a favorable position in the economic tide, to better adapt to the market the evolving.
    Keywords:  Mall development; commodity management; product information
     目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1 商场商品管理系统的开发背景    1
    1.2 设计目的与意义    1
    1.3 论文结构    1
    1.4 本章小结    1
    第二章 需求分析    2
    2.1 可行性分析    2
    2.1.1 技术的可行性    2
    2.1.2 经济的可行性    2
    2.1.3 操作的可行性    2
    2.2 功能模块需求分析    2
    2.3 性能需求    3
    2.3.1 系统的安全性    3
    2.3.2 数据的完整性    3
    2.4系统开发工具    3
    2.4.1 MyEclipse    3
    2.4.2 Tomcat    3
    2.4.3 MySql    3
    2.4.4 JSP    3
    2.4.5 JavaScript    3
    2.5 软硬件需求    3
    2.6 本章小结    3
    第三章 系统分析与设计    4
    3.1系统和数据库的配置    4
    3.2概念模型设计    4
    3.3数据库逻辑模型    5
    3.3.1出库逻辑图    5
    3.3.2 日统计逻辑图    5
    3.3.3 入库逻辑图    6
    3.3.4 统计逻辑图    6
    3.3.5 销售管理逻辑图    7
    3.3.6 用户管理逻辑图    7
    3.3.7 总计的逻辑图    8
    3.4数据库表结构    8
    3.4.1 出库表    8
    3.4.2 日统计表    8
    3.4.3入库表    9
    3.4.4统计表    9
    3.4.5 销售表    10
    3.4.6 用户表    10
    3.4.7 总统计表    10
    3.5 本章小结    11
    第四章 系统功能实现    12
    4.1 系统设计实现    12
    4.1.1 登陆界面的实现    12
    4.1.2 商品入库管理页面    13
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