    摘要:  自行车是一种环保的交通工具,而公共自行车租赁系统又是一个便捷高效的系统,用户在指定位置借车,使用完毕后将车归还到指定地点,只需付少量租金即可低碳、快捷地到达目的地,这在一定程度上能够缓解交通拥堵的压力。39925
    毕业论文关键词: 江苏师大;自行车;低碳出行;租赁 
     The Design and Implement of Campus Public Bicycle Leasing System
    Abstract: Bicycle is one type of transportation tool that is environment friendly and public bicycle renting system is a convenient and efficient system. Users can rent their bicycles in designated spots and return after using. People can arrive their destination quickly by only paying a little rent. Therefore, the public bicycle leasing system can relief the pressure caused by heavy traffic jam by certain extent.
    Combined with the school’s pattern distribution and people flow analysis, the school is gradually plan to design and implement the campus public bicycle leasing system in order to make students and faculty convenient to travel. Students and faculty can search and make transactions online to rent their bicycles efficiently and safely.
    There are three limits of authority in the campus public bicycle leasing system, including the general users (search and rent bicycles online through register and log in the online system; return the rented bicycles and pay the rent, and give feedback), the general administrators (manage the users’ information and update the information of bicycles; sort and analyze the system data) and the system administrators (have the highest authority and can appoint and dismiss the general administrators).
    Along with the increasing school members and enlarged school area, it is very necessary to implement the public bicycle leasing system on campus. The implementation not only will advocate the low-carbon travel, but can save student and faculty’s travel time to help them to study and work more conveniently and efficiently. Additionally, the leasing system is good for the school’s environment improvement and has the driving effect on solving bicycle parking problems and reducing bicycle theft rates.
    Keywords: Jiangsu normal university;Bicycle;Low-carbon travel;Lease
    目  录
    第1章 绪论    1
    1.1开发背景    1
    1.2研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2.1 研究的目的    1
    1.2.2 研究的意义    1
    1.2.3 国内外研究概况及其发展趋势    1
    1.3 设计目标    2
    1.4 本文研究内容及主要贡献    2
    第2章 需求分析    3
    2.1 大学生校内出行状况调查    3
    2.1.1 校园功能区的划分及分布    3
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