    Smoke-based intelligent monitoring ANDROID APP Design
        With the enhancement of social progress and development and people's living standard, reliable and safe living environment for people more and more important. With the rapid development of the performance of smart mobile devices, streaming media technology matures, and coverage ratio WIFI and digital communications network by a large amount, so that the smoke intelligent monitoring system has been significant progress. Users can monitor real-time information to the living environment, such as: fire information, temperature, humidity, concentration of methane. And to collect environmental information as a basis for other household equipment operation, to achieve the intelligent control of the living environment. As a major component of the smart home, this terminal enables real-time monitoring of the smoke density and methane concentration, and when the concentration exceeds a set threshold, an alarm will be by way of wireless communication.
    Paper selection ANDROID intelligent system monitoring device as a whole terminal, an information data set Bian Duanyou STM32-centric security control module, data acquisition and data transmission between the terminal and the intelligent terminal via WIFI network.
    Keywords: intelligent smoke monitor;WIFI;Android smart devices;STM32
    1绪论    1
    1.1 本课题的背景与意义    1
    1.2 国内外领域的现状    2
    1.3 论文的主要工作内容与结构安排    3
    2 Android系统概述    4
    2.1 ANDROID的开发环境    4
    2.2 ANDROID的开发软件以及java的相关介绍    4
    2.2.1关于Eclipse的简介    4
    2.2.2 java的相关介绍    5
    2.3 ANDROID程序设计的技术介绍    6
    2.3.1 ANDROID智能系统的结构    6
    2.3.2 ANDROID应用程序的组成    8
    2.3.3 数据库简介    10
    3 基于WIFI网络的智能烟雾监控系统概述    11
    3.1系统总体设计    11
    3.2 智能监控系统的网络协议    11
    4 智能烟雾监控的硬件组成    15
    4.1信息采集模块    15
    4.2 STM32    15
    4.2.1 STM32简介    15
    4.2.2 STM32微控制器的优点    16
    4.3.3 STM32系列微控制器应用    17
    4.3 LCD显示模块选型    18
    5 Android开发环境的搭建与Achartengine的简介    19
    5.1 Android开发环境的搭建    19
    5.1.1 JDK的下载与安装    19
    5.2.2 其他组件的安装与下载    20
    5.2 Achartengine的简介    22
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