    毕业论文关键词: 微信公众平台;服务号;云服务;云服务器
    Design of online sales system based on cloud and WeChat payment
    Abstract:Through public and public Tencent developed rapidly in recent years, along with the smart phones and the Internet, the company developed a called "micro letter" software gradually into people's lives. Now the micro channel is not a single gating system it is a set of communication, business and entertainment into one multi-functional integrated platform. In these powerful function, micro channel public platform is one of the most important function of micro channel public platform for inpiduals, enterprises, the public, businesses can easily sell their products, people can also be simpler and more intuitive to choose their own interest in the topic of reading.
    Cloud servers is now the Internet the most common a kind of technology. Compared to traditional physical servers, he is more efficient and safety; management, than the physical server more simple and easy. Through the cloud server, people reduce the cost at the same time can faster construction of their applications and sites.
        The goal of this paper, by virtue of WeChat to pay as well as the cloud server, will be paid after the number of goods sent to the cloud server, through the authentication number, the cloud server will save the account password data sent to the user's phone.
    Keywords:WeChat public platform; service number; cloud service; cloud server
    1 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2 研究课题和意义    1
    1.3 国内外的发展概况    1
    2 微信公众平台的介绍与开发    2
    2.1 微信公众平台介绍    2
    2.1.1 微信公众平台简介    2
    2.1.2 微信公众平台的基本功能    3
    2.1.3 微信公众平台的高级功能    3
    3 云存储的介绍    4
    3.1云存储的概念    4
    3.2 云计算的未来    4
    3.3 云储存的目的及意义    5
    3.4云计算的好处    5
    3.5云存储与传统服务器    6
    3.6云主机与虚拟主机以及vps的比较     7
    3.7 云存储与云计算     7
    3.8 云存储的基本内容和计划方案    8
    4 基于云和微信支付的在线销售系统设计    9
    4.1开发工具    9
    4.2 开发方案    9
    4.3 基于微信公众平台的开发与实现    9
    4.3.1 微信公众平台数据交互方式    9
    4.3.2 微信公众平台开发模式的接口    10
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