    摘要:    本课题运用了面向对象技术设计了一个基于B/S架构的车辆信息溯源平台。目前主要包括销售监管子系统、临检核查子系统和公众查询子系统。针对业务逻辑复杂可能产生的高耦合等问题,和为处理本项目的需求、设计以及框架,在系统设计中运用了软件工程思想和理念,努力实现完成客户提出的需求。构建系统总体框架,主要内容有后台结构设计和前台设计,其中后台设计部分为系统架构的分析和设计,前台设计部分主要包括登陆界面、登陆的权限处理、树型模块分类显示等。上海出入境检验检疫管理局的进口机动车质量信息溯源系统的特点包括低耦合、高内聚、结构清晰、易测试和文护。41022
    毕业论文关键词:    B/S架构;车辆信息溯源平台;系统总体框架
    Imported vehicle quality traceability information system design and implementation
    Abstract:     The issue of the use of object-oriented technology is designed based on B / S structure of the vehicle information traceability platform. At present, including sales- regulatory subsystems , rummage verification subsystem and public inquiries subsystems. For  business logic of complex issues that may arise high coupling, and to address the needs of the project, design and framework, in the system design using software engineering ideas and concepts, and strive to achieve the completion of the needs of customers. Use of object-oriented design patterns, commonality and variability analysis methods of analysis and design techniques in system design, build overall system framework. The main contents of the background and foreground design structural design, including: background design part of the system architecture analysis and design, front design section includes the login screen, landing permissions handling, classification tree module display. Features of Shanghai Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of imported motor quality information traceability system includes low coupling, high cohesion, structural clarity, easy testing and maintenance.
    Keywords:    B / S structure; the vehicle information traceability platform; overall system framework
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 质量信息溯源系统概念    1
    1.2 质量信息溯源系统理论研究    2
    1.3 国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.4 发展趋势    4
    2 分析    5
    2.1 问题定义    5
    2.2 可行性分析    5
    2.2.1 技术支持    5
    2.2.2 Java    6
    2.2.3 Tomcat简介    6
    2.2.4 MySql简介    6
    2.2.5 MyEclipse简介    6
    2.3 需求分析    6
    2.3.1 功能需求分析    7
    2.3.2 数据字典    7
    3 设计    17
    3.1 总体业务流程    17
    3.2 网页端设计    18
    3.2.1 资源规划    18
    3.2.2 界面设计    18
    3.3 服务器端工程的创建    20
    3.4 后台服务器界面设计    21
    3.5 后台服务器端功能设计    21
    3.6 数据库设计    22
    3.7 模块设计    23
    3.7.1 登陆模块设计    23
    3.7.2 进口商管理模块设计    24
    3.7.3 分销详情查询模块设计    24
    3.7.4 召回详情模块设计    24
    3.7.5 文保详情模块设计    25
    3.7.6 临检核查详情模块设计    26
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