    毕业论文关键词: java;个人创业之网上食品店系统;网上食品店系统
    Personal entrepreneurship online food store
    Abstract: With the development of modern computer science, computer information system more and more attention, electronic commerce also gradually develops, its development speed very quickly, in today of online shopping is a very common thing. Especially in the food trade, these sites are the product of the development of electronic commerce.The graduation project is mainly based on the JAVA of personal business online food store system, according to the design object oriented development, choose the browser / server (B / s) model to build, and with the MVC framework to complete the final realization of the system. On the basis of dynamic web page program development and data access technology, this paper describes the design scheme of the system, the implementation method and the development tools and related technologies. System is pided into commodity information management, member management, order management, data statistics management, information management and other functional modules.
    Keywords: Java; personal business online food store system; online food store system
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    系统开发背景    1
    1.2    系统开发目的    1
    1.3    系统的国内、外的研究动态以及系统意义    2
    1.3.1    网上购买食品系统的国内、外的研究现状    2
    1.3.2    网上购买食品系统的研究意义    2
    1.4    研究手段    2
    2    系统开发平台及相关技术    3
    2.1    java简介    3
    2.2    jsp简介    3
    2.3    MySQL简介    4
    2.4    框架介绍    4
    2.5    B/S 模式介绍及应用    4
    2.6    Eclipse 介绍    5
    2.7    Tomcat 介绍    5
    2.8    开发环境介绍    5
    3    系统需求分析    6
    3.1    系统分析    6
    3.2    可行性分析    6
    3.3    功能需求分析    7
    3.4    数据库需求分析    8
    3.5    系统性能需求    8
    4    系统设计    9
    4.1    系统运行模式    9
    4.1.1    C/S模式    9
    4.1.2    B/S模式    9
    4.2    系统功能模块设计    10
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