    随着计算机技术的飞速发展,移动互联网在生活中越来越不可或缺,并且由于移动技术的日益成熟,利用计算机实现基于移动端软件越来越多,其中android平台的学习应用程序也越来越多,有关英语听力的学习软件也越来越是目前的趋势。本系统结合实际的需求分析,整个系统以符合操作简便、灵活实用和安全等各个角度出发,采用目前最流行的Java语言编写,用到了当今先进的技术如 Java技术等来实现,利用MVC框架技术提高了系统的可文护性。实现了移动学习软件的主要功能模块有注册以及登陆模块,信息查询模块,信息图表化显示模块,用户基本配置模块,数据库基本操作模块,英文听力自助学习模块,学习管理模块等。在软件完成之际,对软件进行了体验实验与测试,经过测试APP基本上能够完成所需的功能及要求,并根据实验结果进行软件的改进。41570
    Android platform based on English learning application
    With the rapid development of computer technology, mobile Internet more and more essential in life, and because of the increasing maturity of mobile technology, the use of computer-based mobile client software more and more, where the android platform applications are learning more and more more about English listening learning software increasingly is the current trend. Combined with the actual needs of the system analysis, the whole system in order to comply with the like simple, flexible and practical, and the security of inpidual point of view, using the most popular Java language, used in today's advanced technologies, such as Java technology to achieve using MVC framework technology improve the maintainability of the system. Realize the main function module of the mobile learning software are registered and the landing module, module information, information graphics display of the module, the basic user configuration module, the basic operation of the database module, self-learning modules in English listening, learning management module. In the occasion of the completion of the software, the software to experience the experiments and testing, tested APP basically complete the required features and requirements, and improve the software according to the experimental results.
    Key words: Android, java; learning software
    目  录
    基于android平台的英文听力学习软件    i
    Based on English Listening android platform    ii
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2 课题的研究目的和意义    1
    1.3开发环境    2
    1.4 研究目标、研究内容和拟解决的关键问题    3
    1.4.1研究目标    3
    1.4.2研究内容    3
    1.4.3拟解决的关键问题    3
    1.5研究的基本思路和方法、技术路线、实验方案及可行性分析    3
    1.5.1研究的思路、方法和技术路线    3
    1.5.2设计方案    4
    1.5.3可行性分析    4
    1.6本章小结    4
    第二章 系统开发技术分析    5
    2.1 Android简介    5
    2.1.1系统介绍    5
    2.1.2系统特点    5
    2.1.3安卓的主要发展历程    8
    2.2本章小结    8
    第三章 系统需求分析    9
    3.1可行性分析    9
    3.1.1经济可行性分析    9
    3.1.2技术能力分析    10
    3.1.3运行可行性分析    10
    3.1.4法律可行性分析    11
    3.2开发环境与软件平台    11
    3.2.1软件平台:    11
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