


    Manufacturing enterprise sales management information system development and design

    Abstract:The development of the 21st century has been greatly depends on the development of computer, and the information of big data era also brings to the enterprise unit management data problems.

    This system mainly by the ASP.net language to write, the system database using Access to create powerful data processing function, it is a medium and small database management system. Its powerful, easy to use, provides a good interface with other database management software, can easily identify a variety of database management system to generate the database file. Database management system module adopts the administrator password management form, enter the system requires a password, to ensure the security of data. System is mainly pided into commodity information module, inventory information module, customer information module and employee information module. This paper analyses the demand of enterprises in the information system, as well as the problems faced, according to these needs and problems, analyzes the system function and module, and the ways to realize the system are described in detail.

    Keywords:Customer relationship management (CRM) system; The ASP.net. Access

    目  录

    一 绪论 3

    (一) 项目背景 3

    1、 益中恒泰公司销售现状 4

    2、 益中恒泰公司客户管理存在的问题 5

    (二) 课题研究的目的和意义 5

    (三) 课题研究的现状和发展趋势 6

    1、 研究现状 6

    2、 发展趋势 6

    (四) 课题研究的内容 7

    二 系统相关技术 7

    (一) ASP.Net技术简介 7

    (二) Access 数据库 9

    三  系统需求分析及可行性分析 10

    (一) 系统需求分析及总体目标 10

    1、数据共享 10

    2、实现了益中恒泰客户管理系统业务的各种功能 10

    3、在业务流程方面更为规范规范 10

    4、实行现代化的管理手段 11

    (二) 系统可行性分析 11

    四  系统设计与实现 11

    (一) 设计目标与原则 12

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