




    Urban Subway Operation Stage of Deformation Monitoring Scheme Design


    In engineering practice, we often encounter the problem of coordinate conversion, especially in Geodesy also relating to the projection problem. The conventional approach is based on the processing of computer programming, but the drawback is that the once in preparation conditions or encounter unexpected problems need to coordinate conversion, it may lead to the termination of the fieldwork and reduces the production efficiency, also can't satisfy the requirements of modern surveying and mapping technology.

    According to the NetMarketShare website in 2015 September, the mobile terminal operating system market share ranking, Android operating system market share of 53.54%, continue to maintain a leading. Because of the user base of Android operating system, this paper decided to choose this system platform for software development.

    Therefore, fusion based on Android smartphone software of Surveying and mapping, the use of smart phones, portable and flexible, a large number of users can be easily measured in the field, data processing in the industry integration, intellectualization and modernization of.

    Build Android environment design and development of measurement conversion tool software applications through the Eclipse platform, comes to earth coordinates and space rectangular coordinate conversion, arbitrary projection elevation of Gauss projection conversion, familiar with Java and Android development environment carrying. In the process of Android development, including interface design, function realization, effective implementation of the algorithm and some other content. The rationality verification program design, to meet the practical requirements of computational accuracy.

    Key Words: android  intelligent terminal  measurement conversion  system design

    目  录

    摘要 IV

    Abstract V

    目  录 VI

    图清单 VII

    表清单 VII

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究目的与意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  研究内容与技术路线

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