


     “History Of Educational Technology " Animation Design and Development

    Abstract Construction and development of any discipline, can not do without their own historical research. As a learner of educational technology, wants to have a more profound understanding of this subject , first of all this should be the starting point for the history of the discipline and conduct a comprehensive understanding. In order to allow more educational technology learners a better understanding of educational technology development process, the authors find and organize a series of studies on the history of educational technology literature, written and rewritten, and find all kinds of resources to produce the animation.The animation aims to allow more learners to understand the history of educational technology in the development of education in a relaxed and play the advocacy role of educational technology disciplines. The design will report design works, the use of objects, the creative process is described in detail, and will work in the main part of the display.

    Key words: history of educational technology  design  animation

     目  录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 2

    目  录 3

    一  设计理念 4

    (一)内容层面 4

    (二)技术层面 5

    二  使用对象 5

    三  资源设计 5

    (一)文档设计 5

    (二)配音录制 7

    (三)素材查找 8

    (四)动画创作 9

    四  作品界面 13

    五  作品创新 16

    参考文献 17

    一  设计理念





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