

    毕业论文关键字: 金融;互联网;SQL数据库;ASP

    The design and development of Internet financial supermarket website

    Abstract:Along with the computer to tell the development, the concept of Internet plus has been popular, so the Internet finance this familiar but strange words come into people's eyes. Today's society is a highly transparent information and data of such a society. People began to choose the Internet banking to gradually replace the traditional financial, but at the same time, a wide range of complex financial products, as well as the current turmoil in the financial market. Based on this, I decided to develop and establish a relatively perfect function of such an internet financial supermarket website. This system mainly uses the ASP+SQL these two technology. ASP is based on the front of the programming system, you can through the ASP technology, compile a variety of functions of the module system. At the same time using SQL2005 technology, the system which should be used to establish the database of the data. Using these two technologies, the site can be a good run and operation.

    KeyWords:Financial; Internet; SQL  Database;ASP 

    目 录

    一、绪论 1

    (一) 课题研究的目的与意义 1

    (二) 课题研究的背景 1

    (三) 本文的主要工作 2

    二、课题的现状分析与未来发展趋势 4

    (一) 课题的现状分析: 4

    三、课题项目开发技术概述 6

    (一) ASP基础与环境技术 6

    (二) SQL Server 2005技术与应用开发 6

    四、总体规划 7

    (一) 网站的策划 7

    (二) 目标使用者的确定和系统设计思路 7

    1、 目标使用者的确定 7

    2、 互联网金融超市网站设计思路 7

    (三) 网站特色 7

    (四) 系统资源配置 8

    1、 硬件环境 8

    2、 软件环境 8

    (五) 网站的主要框架 8

    图4.3网站主要框架 (来源:本研究) 9

    五、系统分析 9

    (一) 业务流程分析 10

    (二) 系统概念结构设计 10


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