
    摘要:如今二维码已经被广泛使用,普通的签到模式已经满足不了人类去享受科技带来的便捷,二维码签到模式因此应运而生。本文针对普通签到的不足之处开发实现了二维码签到管理系统中的数据库设计及后台管理软件设计。根据后台管理员使用后台管理系统的主要需求和使用习惯分析得出本系统的主要功能与需求,然后从页面布局、软件技术等方面对二维码签到后台系统进行设计与实现。本系统选用PHP+MYSQL的形式,利用了Xampp集成服务器环境搭建了Apache服务器与Mysql本地数据库再使用Sublime text作为开发工具最终将系统设计成一个网站管理页面从而实现对签到信息的存储与操作。PHP作为当前一种流行的网页编辑语言,有着轻、简洁、易开发的优点,使得二维码签到系统变得直观化,方便管理者使用。本系统能够提供签到信息管理、签到人员管理、数据打印等一系列功能,弥补了在普通签到模式下签到效率低、信息不易管理的弊端,满足了广大后台管理员的使用要求,推进了签到模式面向新时代的转变。43159

    毕业论文关键词: 二维码;后台管理系统;PHP;MYSQL;网页

    QR code registration management system design and implementation - databases and background management software design and implementation

    Abstract: Nowadays,the QR codes are widely used,and the normal sign system has failed to meet human rely on technology and to enjoy the convenience feelings which technology brings , so the QR code sign system emerge as the times require. In this paper,aiming at the shortcomings of the normal sign system completes the QR code registration management system database design and background management software design.According to the administrator’s requirement and usage habits when they use the background management system analysis that the system's main function and demand from the page layout, software technology of QR code sign the background system is designed and implemented.

    This system using PHP + MYSQL, and it use xampp integration server environment to build the Apache server and local MySQL database and then use the sublime text as a development tool at last this system is designed as a web management page in order to achieve the sign information storage and operation. PHP as a popular web page editing language, has the advantage of light, simple, easy to develop, so that the QR code registration system becomes intuitive, easy to use. The system can provide sign in information management, attendance management, data printing and so on a series of functions, to make up for the drawbacks of low attendance efficiency in average attendance patterns, information is not easily management, to meet the requirements of the majority of the administrators, promote the attendance patterns for the transition of the new era. 

    Keywords: QR code ;  background management system;  PHP ;  MYSQL;  page     


    摘要 i

    Abstract ii

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 系统背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    1.3 发展趋势 3

    2 系统需求分析 4

    2.1 需求分析 4

    2.1.1 功能需求 4

    2.1.2 性能需求 6

    2.1.3 运行环境 6

    2.1.4 系统使用人员

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