


     Micro payment system based on social network

    Abstract: With the development of science and technology today, social networking, micro payment to become a necessity in life. It is true that social networks, micro payments to our life to add a lot of color brings a lot of convenience, but there is a lot of space for development, I design is inspired by this. Now people not only eat out shopping, or buy things love sweep using a mobile phone which can solve the settlement planning time also don't have a wallet with a mobile phone can be solved, it is convenient to pay according to the association and interaction problems in the life of the school, the campus card to recharge inconvenience of call queuing or transfer machine problems so the method used to contact the school system on a campus card online recharge and buy bus tickets for the existence of school life, according to the type of design of a convenient communication between teachers and students, to facilitate campus life based on micro payment system of social networks of forgetting the social network with micro payment system.                        

    Key words:social network ,micro payment system

    目  录

    一、绪论 1

    (一)选题背景及问题的提出 1

    (二)研究意义 1

    (三)相关概念的介定 2

    (四)创新点 4

    (五)研究内容及论文总体框架 4

    二、文献综述 6

    (一)日韩手机支付与国内移动支付市场对比 6

    (二)国内移动产业的发展 7

    (三)创新性使用行为的研究 8

    三、基于社交网络的微支付信息系统的分析设计 8

    (一)基于社交网络的微支付信息系统需求分析 8

    1、功能需求 8

    2、非功能需求 9

    (二)基于社交网络的微支付信息系统的可行性分析 10

    1、可行性研究的前提 10

    2、建设规模可行性分析 10

    3、环境可行性分析 10

    (三)将来可能提出来的要求 11

    (四)系统开发工具 11

    1、前台实现工具 – visual studio 2015 community

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