
    摘要:随着中国的教育体制的逐步完善,各种类型的培训中心也在逐渐增多,随着加入培训的学员与进入培训中心进行教学的老师越来越多,培训中心的教务系统管理工作日趋复杂与繁重。因此,我们迫切需要开发一款能够把教务工作信息化,模块化,便捷化的综合培训中心教务系统软件。本系统开发采用了JSP+HTML5+CSS 的设计模式,是基于SQL Server和MyEclipse平台进行设计开发的。系统采用 B/S 模式架构实现对学员信息和授课信息进行管理,所有功能集成到网页上。从管理和使用的角度分为两个部分:管理端和使用端。前者主要有系统管理员使用,后者则是主要面对教师与在培训的学生。本文主要介绍了培训中心教务系统的系统分析部分,包括可行性分析、需求分析等;系统设计部分主要介绍了系统功能设计和数据库设计;系统以管理员用户和普通用户来对功能进行实现,普通用户只有查看信息的权限,管理员用户可以对信息进行增加、修改、删除、查询信息等功能。43831

    毕业论文关键词: 培训中心、教务系统、JSP、SQL、B/S模式

    The development of educational administration System of training center

    Abstract: With the gradual improvement of China's education system, various types of training centers are gradually increasing.With the more and more teachers to join the training center, the management of the educational administration system of the training center is becoming more and more complicated and arduous.Therefore, we urgently need to develop a educational system software for training center,to make the educational administration work informationization, the modular and theconvenience.This system development uses the JSP+HTML5+CSS design pattern,design and development based on the Server SQL and MyEclipse platform.The system uses B/S mode architecture to achieve the management of students’ and teaching’s information.All functions are integrated into the web page.From the management and use of the point of view is pided into two parts: the management and the use . The former is mainly used by the system administrator, the latter is mainly in the face of teachers and students in training.This paper mainly introduces the system analysis part of the educational administration system of the training center.Including feasibility analysis, requirement analysis.The part of system design  mainly introduced the system function design and the database design.System including administrator users and ordinary users.ordinary users only access to information, and the administrator user can add, modify, delete,and query information.

    Keywords: training centers,educational administration System,JSP、SQL、B/S mode


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 课题的目的和意义 1

    1.3 国内外研究的现状与水平 1

    1.4 课题研究的要点与难点 2

    2 系统需求分析 3

    2.1 可行性分析 3

    2.1.1 技术可行性 3

    2.1.2 经济可行性 5

    2.1.3 操作可行性 5

    2.2 软件需求 5

    2.2.1 运行环境 6

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