
    摘要AutoCAD图档管理系统(AutoCAD drawing management system)是指通过计算机软件管理技术,协助有关机械图纸设计和图档管理部门,有效地进行图档管理,以解决这些管理部门日积月累数量庞大的图档管理工作,提高其工作效率。本论文基于图档管理系统软件的特点,从概要设计、详细功能设计、编写程序代码、调试、应用的角度去研究,实现了图档入库、查询、浏览、删除、修改功能模块。同时也详细地分析了如何利用VB与Access2003 开发AutoCAD图档管理系统的基本原理及其功能的实现。43850



    Abstract AutoCAD drawing management system is through the computer software management technology, assist relevant mechanical drawing design and drawing files management department, effective the drawing management, in order to solve these management department accumulate over a long period the huge number of drawing management, improve the work efficiency. This paper drawing  management system based on the characteristics of the software, from the general design, detailed function design, writing code, commissioning, application perspective to study, realize the drawing storage, inquires , browse, delete, modifying function module. At the same time also analyzes in detail how to use the VB and Access2003 development drawing management system of AutoCAD basic principle and the realization of the function.

    This paper is expected to greatly reduce the workload of personnel management drawing, strengthen the computer management to change image file; At the same time reduce the information the repetition of entry, improve the importance of the engineering drawings files, and realize the dynamic image file management.

    Keywords: AutoCAD drawing management system; function module; repeat entry; the computer management to change;

    目 录

    第一章 绪 论 1

    1.1  AutoCAD技术的发展和应用 1

    1.2 AutoCAD图档管理现状 1

    1.3 Auto CAD图档管理软件的特点 2

    1.4 国内外研究概况及存在的问题 3

    1.5 研究的目的及意义 4

    第二章  系统开发的技术 5

    2.1  AutoCAD的二次开发 5

    2.2 产品工程图样技术 5

    2.3 图形处理技术 6

    2.4 数据库技术 7

    2.4.2 数据库接口 9

    2.4.3  数据库形式 11

    第三章 系统总体设计 13

    3.1 引言 13

    3.2 总体描述 13

    3.3 系统主要功能 14

    3.4 系统逻辑流程 15

    3.5  开发环境的选择 15

    3.6  系统与AutoCAD间的通信 16

    3.7 系统功能模块 16

    3.8 小结 17

    第四章 系统各模块的设计与实现 18

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