    ABSTRACT High-speed convergence of the Internet and mobile communication development, under the push of GPRS high-speed wireless Internet access the Internet to become a reality, mobile phone users can enjoy the Internet services.Network news instant delivery is one of the most popular communication between users, many job seekers network protocol on the basis of the application of the user, allowing each equipment, application software, communication, the popularity of smartphones and performance, continuously improve, a succession of instant messaging system is good condition of traditional phone transplanted into the computer.Using mobile phones, China has a huge mobile phone users, through the immediate communication software distributors to higher and higher.At present the development prospect of the main system in the smartphone (IOS, Android, Windows).Their characteristic is that the IOS mobile operating system is relatively closed, relatively high development costs, open-source android operating system based on Linux platform of mobile operating system based on XML open source real-time communication protocol, so the android platform and the XMPP protocol communication system application prospects better popularity soared in the development of industry.
      This topic in the third party server for the customer design system module, SMS system of communication protocol, XMPP expansion system.The Android platform developed by the open source implementation and user registration, user login, user management, friend requests, messages, and other functions, to check the user chat.User registration system, to add a new user, the user login validation user information management as a good friend, main is a friend of add, delete, friends, friends;All users have registered user query requests, and communication of friends of friends, chat records.
    Key words:Android,XMPP,Chat system,IM
    目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1课题背景    1
    1.2 研究内容    1
    第二章 相关技术简介    2
      2.1 Android系统的特点    2
      2.2 软件开发的工具和环境    2
    2.3 主要参与者    3
    第三章 MiniChat系统的分析和设计    4
    3.1 MiniChat需求分析    4
      3.2 软件功能设计    5 
      3.3 客户端功能设计    5
    第四章 MiniChat客户端的实现    7
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