    With the rapid development of computer technology and Internet technology, more and more artificial work has been transferred to the computer, and through the Internet to cooperate and spread. This revolution has brought about an increase in work efficiency that was previously unimaginable. Take "vote management" this work, only by the original manual management, not only under the efficiency, and human cost is huge, and can not do exactly the correct statistics and fair implementation. And after the development of the Internet, the network voting system quickly entered the people's vision. Management of network voting system has been successfully resolved the region of voting participation restriction, the fairness of the voting sponsor, voting statistical work efficiency and cost. It can make the voting management becomes more efficient, simple and stable, and can save a large number of staff from the heavy manual work.
    However, the rapid development of the mobile terminal of the Internet today, the traditional PC website voting system seems to be bulky and out of touch. In the case of the number of Internet users in the mobile terminal more than PC number of Internet users, more and more sites began to move from the PC to the mobile terminal. The system will vote management system and micro channel public interface number combination, not only make the system suitable for access in the mobile terminal, but also through the micro channel of "web authorization access to information and user interface", removed from the register and login operation, greatly improving the user experience.
    The system uses PHP5.3 as a language, ThinkPhp3.2.3 as a framework, the use of MVC design model, with the PC side management background and mobile end user front two modules. The main functions include: user management, voting management, voting participation, data statistics.
    Key words:Vote management;WeChat public number development;Interface interaction;Data statistics;
     目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1网上投票系统的发展史    1
    1.2网上投票系统的作用    2
    1.3 网上投票系统的构成    2
    第二章  编程技术介绍    3
    2.1 PHP介绍    3
    2.2 MVC编程思想介绍    3
  1. 上一篇:android聊天app设计与实现+源代码
  2. 下一篇:java+mysql电影订票系统的设计+源代码
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