    计算机硬件和多媒体特效软件的发展为视频广告的制作提供了便利。After Effects作为主流的后期特效软件,极大的提高了视频的画面效果。Flash作为二维动画软件,则是制作矢量二维动画的有效工具。
    本次毕业设计,正是结合了After Effects与Flash各自的优点,结合贴近消费者心理需求的故事情节,制作有创意的二维动画广告。本次毕业设计以“BLE60”机械键盘为产品对象,用After Effects和Flash等多媒体软件为工具,结合以父爱和坚强为中心的故事,以故事为引子,制作有创意的动画广告。
    以故事为引子,以After Effects和Flash为表现工具,既可以吸引消费者的注意力,引起消费者的兴趣,又能柔和的表现所要宣传的产品。这样一方面有别于传统广告的枯燥,另一方面也避免了植入式广告的生硬。
    毕业论文关键词:视频广告;后期特效;After Effects;Flash;创意
    With the development of the Internet, advertising is spreading around us like viral. Traditional advertising has been unable to attract the eye of the general public, can not afford the original advertising effectiveness. Especially for young people, the traditional advertising will even cause their aversion. Therefore, the domestic advertising culture needs to keep up with the trend of the development of the Internet, breaking the tradition, the introduction of innovative concepts, creative advertising.
    The development of computer hardware and multimedia effects software provides convenience for the production of video advertising. After  Effects as the mainstream of the late effects software, greatly improve the video screen effect. Flash as a two-dimensional animation software, is the production of two-dimensional vector animation tools.
    The graduation project, it is a combination of After Effects and Flash their respective advantages, combined with the story of the psychological needs of consumers, the production of creative two-dimensional animation ads. This graduation design to "BLE60" mechanical keyboard as the design object, using after effects and flash multimedia software as a tool, to father and strong for the center of the story to the story for the primer combination, making creative animation advertising.
    In the story as a primer, to After effects and Flash for the tool, not only can attract consumers attention, cause consumer interest, and soft to publicize the products. On the one hand, it is different from the traditional advertising boring, on the other hand, to avoid the hard product placement.
    Key words:video advertising;late effects software;After Effects;Flash;creative
     目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1课题研究的背景    1
    1.2国内外现状分析    1
    1.3 课题研究的意义    1
    1.4论文结构    2
    第二章  相关技术简介    3
    2.1 RubberHose脚本简介    3
    2.2 Optical flares插件简介    3
    2.3 Particular插件简介    3
    2.4 破碎插件简介    4
    2.5 Flash骨骼工具简介    4
    第三章 广告制作    5
    3.1 文案创作    5
    3.2 背景设计    6
    3.3 人物造型设计    6
    3.4 分镜头脚本    7
    3.5设计稿构图    8
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