    The popularity of the Internet has greatly promoted the development of science and technology, and the human society has gradually changed from industrialization to information technology. The Internet based information technology industry has changed our traditional way of life and work, and enterprises in the wave of information has been a strong impact. So many enterprises began to change management ideas, improve management tools, began to promote paperless office, resulting in a new generation of management systems ERP management system. More and more management software into everyone's vision, the beginning of these software for a dedicated single user mode, with the deepening of the application and gradually developed into today's multi user mode. However managers and there have been new demands, to process management, business process appeared, especially to real-time monitoring and tracking the most important links in examination and approval. Therefore, urgent need to management system of examination and approval flow module function expansion. Based on the needs of the design, you can achieve these functions.
    In this paper, the development of the approval flow module needs analysis and design, using the three tier architecture as the development framework, using SQL Server 2008 for the development of the database, and detailed description of the specific implementation of the approval flow module. At the same time, combined with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other related technologies to achieve the function of the examination and approval flow module.
    Keywords:ERP system;purchasing management;.NET;dynamic examination and approval
     目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1 采购平台中审批流模块的背景与意义    1
    1.2 采购平台中审批流模块的目的和意义    1
    1.2.1 采购平台中审批流模块的研究目的    1
    1.2.2 采购平台中审批流模块的研究意义    1
    第二章  开发环境、语言和相关技术介绍    2
    2.1 .NET开发平台介绍    2
    2.2 Entity Framework简单介绍    2
    2.3 SQL Server 2008数据库    3
    2.4 HTML的简单介绍    3
    2.5 审批流的研究    3
    第三章  系统需求分析与设计    4
    3.1 系统需求分析    4
    3.1.1 系统需求陈述    4
    3.1.2 系统功能模块    4
    3.1.3 系统流程图    5
    3.1.4 可行性分析    5
    3.2 系统设计    6
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