



    毕业论文关键词:   IOS系统   Objective-C   游戏资讯   视频播放

    The Design and Implementation of Game Information Platform based on IOS 

    Abstract: Information is the user to get it in a timely manner and use a relatively short time to bring the value of the user's information, information timeliness and geographical, such as: news, entertainment, Internet information, etc.. With the rapid development of the gaming industry, game information gradually entering the public eye. For young people, reading the game every day information has become essential to life. Currently on the market, game information related app level is not poor. A good information app, will give the user a better experience. For the content of information, timeliness and accuracy of the most critical. The latest, fastest, most accurate three points, for the information platform is the best measure.

    The system is a iPhone platform based on the game information and video playback support. The operating efficiency is high, the use is convenient, and the content is rich. This system plays the picture smoothly, has the sound effect and the picture effect on the hearing and the visual enjoyment. Platform using Objective-C language development. Application using pods three party to import library management, MVC development model, JSON analysis and other commonly used three party library. Module, low coupling, high cohesion. Modular approach to programming. High maintenance.

    This paper mainly introduces the IOS platform and information related implementation methods based on this platform. The process from design to realization is introduced in this paper. The article through the page to display the image of the system. Through the key parts of the key pages of the show, the better to the integrity of the system, and the system development process of the normative.

    Keywords: Apple IOS system  Objective-C   Game information   Video play

    目  录

    第1章  项目概述 1

    1.1 项目的目的和内容 1

    1.2 项目分析 1

    1.2.1 行业背景分析 1

    1.2.2 典型用户分析 1

    1.2.3 同类app分析

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